Akula Class
Akula Class by Beginner, this an unbelievably Good Version

akula class destroyer
this ship is the second in a line of tmp ships and stations i will release
install instructions
1. sod's in the sod directory
2. textures in the textures rgb directory
3. akula.odf in the odf/ships folder.
4. tmpphas1 and tmpphas1o in the odf/ weapons/ phasers folder
5. tmpphoton and tmpphotono in the odf/ weapons/ photons folder
5. add
akula .odf 0
to the tech1 folder and fulltech techtrees
6. add
buildItemXX = "akula"
to a shipyard (where XX is the next number in line from the previous one e.g/ buildItem1
Major A. Payne should get all the credit for his pride class, all i did was rearrange the parts
and make the odf's.
captain fingers was originally creditted from Major A. Payne's Pride class
1. this ship will look best when built from a sanfransisco class shipyard
2. this requires the original weapons.spr file
3. if any problems should arrise i take no responsibility but i will try to fix any problems found
4. if anyone can make a buildbutton that works could they please email it to me at the address below
activision, it's affiliates, sub-divisions or any other part of the company did not make this mod, if their is a fault please do not try to contact them
all they did was provide the engine.
all startrek related items are copyrighted paramount
P.S. if the model appears to have mis aligned hardpoints and / or non working hardpoints, please try to fix it yourself, as i haven't got the foggiest idea how.
to say again i believe all credit should go to Major A. Payne and Captain Fingers
Version | Author | Beginner | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,358 | Size | 314.32 KB | Created | 2005-05-18 |
Rexcom made one for A1 A LOOONG time ago, almost identical to this one, but with a proper top nacelle brought in more.