Babylon 5 Narn Ship Pack
From the ReadMe:
Quote:- Ash
Alike the Minbari pack, I've had these ships for a while in a personal project (which again has no connection to Zero Hour). These are being added for the same reasons as the Minbari, that being, they deserve a place on the site as they are fine models, and have a history in Babylon 5
Again, as with the Minbari, the three of these ships are suppose to be 'canon'.
Alike the Minbari pack, I've had these ships for a while in a personal project (which again has no connection to Zero Hour). These are being added for the same reasons as the Minbari, that being, they deserve a place on the site as they are fine models, and have a history in Babylon 5
Again, as with the Minbari, the three of these ships are suppose to be 'canon'.
Babylon 5: Narn Regime
- Th'Nor Class Class Standard Cruiser
- G'Quan Class Heavy Cruiser
- Bin'Tak Class Dreadnought
The ships come HP'ed (I re-did the hardpoints for all three models). They don't however come with a Build Button, Wireframe, Admirals Log Image, nor Stats. Those that wish to have these in-game will need to have a little knowledge of .odf modifying.
All three ships originally came straight from the Babylon 5 Modification for Star Trek: Armada II.
The Th'Nor & Bin'Tak Classes have edited textures (by me) to fit in with the 'Narn look' other than that, the models are untouched.
Version | Author | Transmission | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,588 | Size | 2.38 MB | Created | 2007-01-16 |
Just the textures look a little different, that is all.