Rapid Borg Torpedo Mk.2
A re-work of the recently added Borg Torpedoes. These work now, so blast away those Federation ships and stations and let "resistance be futile"!
Heres a version that works. SORRY that the other one
didnt work. I had to go to school scince im 12. Hope you
Kick Fed. butt with this.
PCoppage@localnet.com Is my email.
Pop the odf in the odf/weapns/photons folder and put
this in the spot
weaponXX "bfphot"
XX= NEXT # in the line.
Version | 1.1 | Author | MEGA_MAX | Website | |
Downloads | 733 | Size | 974 bytes | Created | 2006-02-11 |
i kick fed butt any way