Quantum Torpedo Overload
This is the same thing as the Plasma Bank Overload, but it is for the Federation. It causes the same damage as the Plasma Bank Overload.
Quantum Torpedo Overload MOD
Thank you for downloading my Quantum Torpedo MOD. This is the same thing as the Plasma Bank Overload, but it is for the Federation. It causes the same damage as the Plasma Bank Overload.
How to Install
1. put all odfs in C:\\Program Files\\Activision\\Star Trek Armada II\\odf\\special_weapons (C:\\ being your hard drive).
2. Put \"WquantumOverload\" and \"gbfquantumOverload\" in C:\\Program Files\\Activision\\Star Trek Armada II\\Textures\\rgb (C:\\ being your hard drive).
3. to install the textures, open gui_global.spr and scroll down to \\ where it says \"# Special Weapons\" and insert the following:
b_gfquantumoverload gbfquantumoverload 0 0 64 64
4. Next open weapon.spr and scroll down and put this under the Plasma Bank Overload.
# Plasma Bank Overload
cPlasmaOverload wPlasmabank_2 32 0 16 16 @anim=photanim
# Quantum Torpedo Overload
WquantumOverload WquantumOverload 32 0 16 16 @anim=photanim
5. Next open Tech1.tt and scroll down to the Federation Special Weapons and insert
gfquantumoverload.odf 1 fedpod1.odf
6. Insert gfquantumOverload to any ship and play
remove gfquantumOverload.odf from tech1.tt.
You can use this in your mod provided you give the proper credit where it is needed.
any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints? E-mail c1j2r@juno.com.
Version | 1.0 | Author | CBorg 10 of 100 | Website | |
Downloads | 1,182 | Size | 22.65 KB | Created | 2002-07-31 |