Goauld Weapon
Well, this appears to be a simple weapon from the Stargate side of Sci-fi. Although this may go well with a Trek ship, I see it coming in quite useful with some Stargate MODs throughout time.
This is a Stargate Related Weapon. It is a Goa'uld Ship Weapon.
I cloned it from the ctpulse.odf. The only change is it has a different name and has a Staff
Weapon sound.
Installation Instructions:
1. Add the goauldpulse.odf to the odf/weapons/pulse folder
2. Add the goauldfire.wav to the sounds/effects folder
3. To use it go into a ship/station odf and go to the Weapons section and add this to the
bottom of it
weaponXX = "goauldpulse"
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX"
WeaponXX = XX meaning the weapon number that is next in the line.
weaponhardpointsXX = XX meaning the weapon numbers hardpoints.
weaponHardpointsXX = "hpXX" = "hpXX" = XX meaning the hardpoint number it comes from if
you are using a hp number that is one digit eg.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. it must be hp0X.
Goa'uld Weapon sound and file created by me Cameron.
Version | Author | Cameron06 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,077 | Size | 34.52 KB | Created | 2006-05-15 |