Agroborg's Transphasic Torpedoes
This is Agroborg's version of the ever-so-popular Transphasic Torpedoes. Look at the readme for installation instructions.
Hello i am AgroBorg and this is my version of the transphasing torpedos, i have seen other imitations of the trans torpedos and i didn t like the so i create my own
this torpedos are 5 times bigger than a photon torpedo, and 100 times more powerfull than a quantum torpedo, and they can avoid shields also i made them of short range weapon and not very fast, so if you want to destroy the target you gonna have to get really close to your enemy but if you hit him its finished.
one tip: smaller ships can scape from this torpedo if they are quick enough
but are BORG CUBE is history!!!!!!!!!!
to install just copy the files to odf/special weapons and then to the "ship.odf" in the weapon line you must add:
weaponX = "transtorp"
weaponHardpointsX = "hpXX"
that s all ENJOY!!!!!!
AgroBorg..........Resistance is futile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Version | Author | AgroBorg | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,358 | Size | 2.52 KB | Created | 2002-09-11 |
I think you left a few files out (build button, etc)
any help would be nice
does it need the patch to work
The button isnt showing up, are there specific hardpoints or number of hardpoints
how did you get yours to work (step by step)
Agroborg.................... Resistance is futile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone knows how to duplicate a slipstream and make it work in game please tell me