Agroborg's Transphasic Torpedoes
This is version 2 of Agroborg's nice TPT's.
Agroborg`s Transphasic Torpedoes version 2.0
hi i am Agroborg, and here is my version 2.0 of the transphasic torpedoes now i have included a button for the weapon so you can use it without problem.
to install:
copy the odf`s to special weapons folder and the tga to rgb in textures.
then go to techtree and in tech1 in the section of federation special weapons ADD: transtorp.odf 0
then go to sprites and in gui_global.spr in the section of special weapons ADD:
b_transtorp transtorp 0 0 64 64
finally go to the ship where you want to add the weapon line add:
weaponX = \"transtorp\"
weaponHardpointsX = \"hp01\"
Agroborg......................Resistance is futile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Version | 2.0 | Author | AgroBorg | Website | |
Downloads | 1,074 | Size | 115.91 KB | Created | 2002-09-16 |