Moose Splash Moose Splash

(2 votes)
Sherman2, 2004-11-25

Right well... where to begin lol Lol Im not sure whats worse, the fact Sherman2 made this file or the fact that i have added it, but it made me laugh so much i just have to share this anyway. This is a splash screen. Of a Moose. The point? Non really. If you like Mooses i suppose its worth the download but apart from that its pretty... moose Tongue. Download if you want

White Moose Splash for armada and armada2
by sherman2

place in you main directory.

not much else to say.

Version    Author  Sherman2  Website   
Downloads  686  Size  201.13 KB  Created  2004-11-25 



#11 Ultimate_Dragon 2004-12-03 07:49
we could call it "birds"...
#12 SHERMAN2 2004-12-03 07:59
TARGS!!!! YEA!!!!
#13 112joesam 2007-02-06 09:14
oh my moosey god! its great why has nobody told me about this LOL! :thumbsup: :-)

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