Improved Single Player Campaign (Federation)
The Improved Single Player Campaign Project - Federation
by the ImpSPCam Team
Well, here it is. The Federation portion of the Improved Single Player Campaign. All 10 StarFleet missions as redone by the ImpSPCam Team. This was developed and tested with Patch 1.1 applied along with a Single Player Officer limit of 750. Some members of the team also had the A2 Physics Project installed during testing, since all of this was supposed to be a part of that project. It is suggested, but not required, these conditions be in place for use of this mod. It may work with your personal install but it has not been tested that way.
ImpSPCam contains the following things. Improved AIPs based upon the ideas and concepts of Achilles and Freyr. Bigger maps using what the stock game contains to enhance the lighting and backgrounds. Clearer, more concise Objectives screens. Improved techtrees to give the AI, and the player, access to special weapons earlier and more often. No longer do the Borg fail to use their most efficient weapons systems. Consider yourself warned. A few small surprises are also included. No, we will not tell you what they are here. That would spoil the surprise, would it not? And those in the know already best not be spoiling things for the others, either. Go play the missions and find out.
ImpSPCam also includes a special set of AIPs done by that master of online play, Freyr. Most people are unaware (or have willfully chosen to ignore) that Freyr is a gamer first and modder second. He has attempted to get the AI to emulate his own style of play. He has been largely successful in this. These AIPs will be in a separate folder marked "Freyr's Extra Spicy AIPs". This Folder can be found in the Bonus Materials Section. Be warned, these have all the pity and weakness surgically removed. Team members have been known to run and hide whenever Freyr suggests we try them. The ImpSPCam Team accepts no responsibilty or liability for any permanent, irreversible brain damage caused by using Freyr's AIPs.
As to play balance, this is an issue we decided early on not to concern ourselves with. A desperate battle against impossible odds with little hope of survival, let alone victory, is something all true warriors enjoy. These AIs will come for you very hard from the moment you tap the Spacebar.
Freyr's AIs are even more elegantly lethal. Live free, die well, and may the bards sing of your selfless sacrifice for a thousand generations.
For those of you who are not up to the challenge, the file contains backups for all ten Federation Missions. So you can restore your game to the safer, easier Stock Missions. The backups are also included to allow you to restore your A2 install, in case something goes wrong.
The ImpSPCam Team are:
Ameba, Chiletrek, darylukeh, delta-dids, Exodus_499, Freyr, StarFox1701, The Joelteon 7, the StarFleet Kid, thunderfoot006(Team Leader)
The Team did all the hard work. The Team came up with all the good ideas. The Team members deserve all the recognition. Me? I was the Team Go-Fer. Whenever the real modders on the Team needed someone to do simple stuff, that was my job. Otherwise, I just sat there being quiet.
The Team would like to extend a very large thank you to Achilles here. His gracious permission to examine and use his ideas and concepts gave this project the perfect start.
The ImpSPCam Team will also re do the Klingon and Borg Campaigns as well. Release date on these two is TBA.
Any problems or concerns will be answered in the Forum thread for this mod or the Comments Section below. The Team respectfully asks that the Forum thread be the place to address problems, due to the limited functionality of the Comments section of the Downloads page. We will still answer questions there, however.
The Improved Single Player Campaign Project - Federation
by the ImpSPCam Team
Table of Contents
- A ReadMe, which no one will read.
- Installation Instructions, complete with uninstall instructions also. Ignore these at your own risk!
- The files needed to add in this mod.
- Backups of the stock files, because we all forget to backup our game whenever we add in something. These are here for your benefit and convienence.
- Bonus Materials! Here is where you'll find Freyr's "Extra Spicy" AIPs, along with some other things, which while not needed for the mod do make the game nicer.
Hey, Y'all! Credits belong at the top of the ReadMe. Not the bottom. No one ever makes it that far down the ReadMe.
-Gene Roddenberry, for giving us such a cool place to play.
-Achilles, for graciously allowing us to use his AIPs as the start point for this.
-Ameba, for coming to the Team late but bringing some great ideas.
-Chiletrek, for being my mentor and role model when it comes to modding A2.
-darylukeh, Team member
-delta-dids, Team member
-Exodus_499, Team member
-Freyr, for the excellent map lighting idea, the 'Extra Spicy' AIPs, and for being an outstanding sounding board.
-StarFox1701, for putting up with some very crazy ideas at five o'clock in the morning after working all night. And for some good map ideas.
-The Joelteon 7, for the Klingon ship ideas. And because the "The" adds some much needed class to this project.
-The StarFleet Kid, for putting up with me a second time around. Even when he shoulda known better. lol
-YOU, for D/L'ing this mod.
The ImpSPCam Team are:
Ameba, Chiletrek, darylukeh, delta-dids, Exodus_499, Freyr, StarFox1701, The Joelteon 7, the StarFleet Kid, thunderfoot006(Team Leader)
The Team did all the hard work. The Team came up with all the good ideas. The Team members deserve all the recognition. Me? I was the Team Go-Fer. Whenever the real modders on the Team needed someone to do simple stuff, that was my job. Otherwise, I just sat there being quiet.
Special thanks
The Team would like to extend a very large thank you to Achilles here. His gracious permission to examine and use his ideas and concepts gave this project the perfect start.
While I was working up the A2PhysPjct, I playtested the mod by continually grabbing an SP Campaign mission along with an IA game. Originally, I planned the SP Campaign redo as part of that project because the SP Missions are, well, let's just say they need some help. I had a series of PMs with Achilles about his ruthless AIPs and the ideas behind them. He graciously permitted us to use them. The more we looked into changing the AIPs and buildlists as part of A2PhysProj, the more we realized the Single Player Campaign needed to be split off into its own mod so it could recieve the care and attention it deserved. What you have before you is the first part of the mod, the Federation missions. The Klingon and Borg Campaigns will follow. NOTE: ImpSPCam has been tested with the following conditions in place: 1) Patch 1.1 applied. 2) The Single Player officer limit changed to 750. A modded RTS_CFG file is included in the Bonus materials folder. 3) Some Team members tested ImpSPCam with the the A2 Physics Project installed, since this was originally intended to be a part of that project.
This may work with your personal install, it just has not been tested that way.
Potential Problems
This mod has been tested only within the SP Campaign. As always, we accept no responsibility for your 'puter or your game. This file was checked for viruses and completeness before upload. If it doesn't work right the first time, please go back and read the directions. Then, install the mod again AFTER you read the directions.
Release Info:
Permission is granted before anyone asks to use anything included herein for another project destined for public release. That is correct. You have permission prior to asking to include this in your own publicly released mods. I do insist the people listed as part of the ImpSPCam Team be mentioned in the credits if you use any of this in your own mod. They put a lot of time into helping me out. Their hard work deserves public recognition and acknowledgement. Finally, we cannot really prevent you from taking all or part of this and claiming you did it. But if you do this, you and we will always know the real truth of the matter, won't we?
Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail or PM us from here.
All of the people mentioned by name herein are blameless for anything which may be wrong with this mod. All the mistakes are mine alone.
We are not responsible for any type of damage to your 'puter or application from misuse of this mod.
Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them)
are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Version | 1.0 | Author | The ImpSPCam Team | Website | |
Downloads | 2,462 | Size | 1.40 MB | Created | 2008-06-12 |
lack of planet compared ships in lvl1 meant it took ages for my ente to take over the planets.
very impressive. and fun....
Quite a lot of things were actually changed on the maps to balance them out so the AI is not at a disadvantage which makes it more challenging to complete against the improved AI that is included by default.
If you find that AI to easy then try the one in the folder marked "Freyr's Extra Spicy AIP's".