Transporter Texture Upgrade
CanadianBorg has taken the time to convert the transport textures for all stock races from ST:Legacy. I don't know; they look more like the ships are trapped in a race-specific nebula or energy-field than transporting. But judge for yourself.
Transporter Upgrade by CanadianBorg
Any advice or pointers are appreciated.
These transporter textures will replace the stock ones, and are converted from ST: Legacy.
Open the archive file and extract all the .tga files into the textures/rgb folder in your A2 root directory. If it asks to overwrite, say "Yes".
That's it! You've successfully upgraded your transporters! I am currently working on a full race mod, so stay tuned!
This mod is not made or supported by Activision or Paramount
CanadianBorg Industries cannot be held responsible for any damage to your computer or your game by this mod.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at
If you wish to use these textures (any version of them, including different-coloured ones) in any of your mods, please ask me first. Thank you.
Version | Author | CanadianBorg | Website | ||
Downloads | 735 | Size | 57.41 KB | Created | 2008-08-09 |
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?