Puddle Jumper ODF mod
This little ODF file for the Puddle Jumper by ColdDarkParanoia disables the shields of the ship to make it more canon.
This is Ezaroo's first mod, so give it a try as a true Stargate fan.
- TParis
Well, basically i downloaded the new puddle jumper CPD recently put up on the site but i noticed a problem with it.
It has shields, which those of you who watch atlantis will know isn't very realistic, so i wrote a new odf and sent it to CPD
but he has kindly let me release the odf fix for him, making this my first ever mod.
copy the puddlejumper.odf in to your odf/ships
Note: YOU MUST HAVE DOWNLOADED CPD's puddlejumper (2.0) for this to work, this file can be found here
Original odf - ColdDarkParanoia
New odf - Ezaroo
--conntact info--
Any problems with the new odf please contact Ezaroo @ l12mcg@hotmail.co.uk
CPD can be reached @ ColdDarkParanoia@gmail.com
Neither Activision nor I can be held responsible for any damage cause to your machine with the use of these files.
Version | Author | Ezaroo | Website | ||
Downloads | 519 | Size | 2.17 KB | Created | 2007-08-20 |
i hope you continue modding and end up doing more complicated things than .odf replacements.
rsistance is futile. :tank:
rsistance is futile