Federation Defender
The Federation found a derelict 8472 Defender and took it back to Starfleet HQ. They decided to have it made into one of thier own ships. The Troop Class was born and now they have a more powerful marine carrier to charge the enemy!
This is for a modification to the Species 8472 defender.
The Federation found a derelict 8472 Defender and took it back to Starfleet HQ. They decided to have it made into one of
thier own ships. Troop Class was born and now they have a more powerful marine carrier to charge the enemy!
It carries more marines and had stronger shields and because it can attack planets it is more flexible.
The Troop Class supports the assault.odf so it will be able to warp and attack transport! The defender cannot build
anything as it is no longer a construction vessel.
In groups they are a force to be reckoned with!!
Install instructions:
For the ship place all the files in the right folder.
TGAs into ArmadaII/Textures/RGB
SOD file into ArmadaII/Sod
ODF file into ArmadaII/odf/ships
bitmap picture into ArmadaII/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages
Find which shipyard you want to build the ship at and add:
XX = next number in sequence
buildItemXX = "fwar"
Tech Trees now, first full tech add:
fwar.odf 0
Then tech1: fill XXX with what base or yard you wish to build them from!
fwar.odf 1 fXXX.odf // Troop Class
Open up sprites and find gui_global and under the last Fed ships add:
b_fwar gbfwar 0 0 64 64
Then scroll down for the wireframes:
fwarw1 8472wireframe02 0 144 48 48
fwarw2 8472wireframe02 48 144 48 48
fminw3 8472wireframe02 96 144 48 48
fminw4 8472wireframe02 144 144 48 48
fminw5 8472wireframe02 192 144 48 48
Wireframes will be the 8472 ship layout. Build button will appear blank on the build list!
Full credit to the original creators of the 8472 defender at Activision.
I've simply allowed the Federation to use them in their own way! Viva Federation!
Any questions or problems please e-mail me @
Version | Author | ArcherScott | Website | ||
Downloads | 803 | Size | 413.35 KB | Created | 2005-04-17 |
They can take on enemy bases and armadas and should take quite a beating before being all destroyed.
Yes it is my first true ship attempt and I love marines and taking over ships and planets!!
Nice Job