Star Trek XI GUI Star Trek XI GUI

(4 votes)
Tain_Enabran, 2009-07-21

Here is a new GUI interface for Armada 2 inspired by the new Star Trek movie. The main interface is configurated like Enterprise bridge panels and screens, even the main window screen!

This is a beautiful effort, truly in keeping with the spirit of the new film! Here's hoping it's not the last such GUI we see from Tain_Enabran!



Here is a new GUI interface for Armada 2 inspired by the new Star Trek movie. The main interface is configurated like Enterprise bridge panels and screens, even the main window-screen which is an element I did not forget for the mod! A build button and a wireframe of the 'JJprise' are also included in the pack.


-> put the following files in the correct folder:

gui_cinstxi.tga--> RGB
gui_mapstxi.tga--> RGB
gui_inf1_stxi.tga--> RGB
gui_inf21_stxi.tga--> RGB
gui_inf22_stxi.tga--> RGB
gui_inf23_stxi.tga--> RGB
gui_inf31_stxi.tga--> RGB
gui_inf32_stxi.tga--> RGB
gui_inf33_stxi.tga--> RGB
gui_resstxi.tga--> RGB
gui_toolstxi.tga--> RGB
fguifstxi.tga--> RGB
stxirace.tga--> RGB
stxiinfo.tga--> RGB
gminimap2.tga--> RGB
gbfstxient.tga--> RGB
fstxientwf.tga--> RGB


-> put the following file in the correct folder:

gui_stxi.CFG--> misc

Rename it gui_fed.CFG if needed.


-> put the following file in the correct folder:

gui_Star TrekXI.SPR--> Sprites

Rename it gui_federation.SPR if needed.

-> open the GUI_global.SPR file and copy this line at the Federation build buttons section:


b_f(JJprise)* gbfstxient 0 0 64 64

-> copy this line in the GUI_global.SPR file at the Federation wireframes section:


f(JJprise)*w1 fstxientwf 0 0 256 256

*or whatever the name is for that ship! ;)

IMPORTANT!!! I recommend you make a back up of the original files!!!
The build button template is clear. Copy sprite lines under &apos;@tmaterial=interface&apos; parameter!!!


original textures : (see below)
textures : Tain_Enabran ;)
build button and wireframe : Tain_Enabran ;)
transparency advice by Fahres and C.A.B.A.L.
screenshots : Tain_Enabran ;)
using Midnight Universe 2.0 by Yacuzza
source of inspiration :

Ryan Church and James Clyne for the original new Enterprise interface.

Contact :
Author: Tain_Enabran (it&apos;s me ;))

Version    Author  Tain_Enabran  Website   
Downloads  1,063  Size  955.71 KB  Created  2009-07-21 


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