Star Trek MIDI File Collection Star Trek MIDI File Collection

(11 votes)
FileTrekker, 2004-02-22

Well, since file-posting is going slowly for technical reasons, i've had some spare time to put together this small collection of Star Trek MIDI files i've collected over the years. I thaught i would ZIP em up and post them here just to keep moral up and remind us all why were here at A2Files Smile

I've put in all the series (from TOS to Enterprise), A MIDI from the Star Trek 25th game, The fanfair, Wrath of Kahn, Insurection (a few films) and a Mega Mix of everything all wonderfully strung together.

Oh, i didnt make these BTW, this is just my collection, so alot of Thanks to the authors of these wonderfull files Smile


Version    Author  FileTrekker  Website   
Downloads  2,649  Size  217.92 KB  Created  2004-02-22 



#1 Squirtle1 2004-02-22 15:42
Really goofy pic you got there. :-)
#2 Squirtle1 2004-02-22 15:48
Title says it all.
#3 Deathbyteacup 2004-02-22 16:18
Ya the picture is kinda cheesy, much like MIDI files :-) heh, no i love MIDI files, not sure why, they have a certain charm.
#4 STGamerNew2002 2004-02-22 20:50
Ok, I don't like it because the pic doesn't have 'Dr. Crusher'. Nope, this pic is NOT 'complete' at all.
#5 Deepwater 2004-02-23 09:46
I usually hate midi files

but these are really good


FT do you know if you guys got a file from me entitled s(thyp) because if you did its a virus that got into my email adress book.
#6 Deathbyteacup 2004-02-23 10:02
Cant get in right now Deepwater, but i'll run them all over with a virus scanner and make sure. Let you know via e-mail whats going on if i find anything ;-)
#7 Deepwater 2004-02-24 12:23
This look like the cover of a Star Wrek book :thumbsup:
#8 johndavid240 2004-03-01 15:53

...the music that is...

don't much care for the image

thing is... i'd rather hear the actuall star trek music (which i have a lot of :D ) but these kinds of music is also acceptable.

note: i am avoiding proper grammer intentionally

#9 ICEMAN564788 2004-03-14 08:19
not too bad

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