The Next Generation Mission Pack The Next Generation Mission Pack

(12 votes)
paulhanselluk, 2005-08-23

Now this is one of the coolest thing's i have seen from a mission pack. This is a collection of new missions that allow you to take part in events that occured during Star Trek: The Next Generation. Included in this version are five missons called "All New Things", "A Price Too High", "Aftermath", "Warcry" and "Onslaught". All of these mission's are rather basic and easy to complete. I hope future versions of this will provide alot more detail and perhaps allow you to almost "Re-enact" entire episodes of TNG.

Welcome to "THE NEXT GENERATION" mission pack, the idea of this pack is to allow you to take
part in events that occured during the time period of Star Trek The Next Generation, each
mission is either set before, during or after an episode of the Next Generation (see below),
so why dont you support the Klingon Empire, or help repel the Borg or even give the Cardasians
a bloody nose for entcrouching on your boarders enjoy.


- 1
All New things (a2_fed01.bzn)
Set just before the TNG pilot episode, You take charge of the USS Galaxy, with the task of
supplying Starbase 10, ready for the construction of the Enterprise -D, But beware intelligence
indicates that the romulans are out to stop the Galaxy class development project .....
##NB - See TNG episode 16 and 54##

- 2
A Price Too High (a2_fed02.bzn)
Set 1 month after the TNG episode The Price, the Chrysalians have lost control of the Barzan
wormhole to the Romulans, after they attacked the system, it is your job to lead a joint
federation/Klingon task force to take back the system for the Barzans and Chrysalians.
##NB - See TNG episode 56 and VOY episode 44

- 3
Best of Both Worlds -Aftermath (a2_fed03.bzn)
This mission is set after the season 3 opening episode best of both worlds
part 2, and puts you in command of a Starfleet task force sent to invetigate the loss of
contact with several stations along the Neutral Zone.
##NB - See TNG episodes 26, 75 and 75##

- 4
Redemption -War Cry (a2_fed04.bzn)
Set during towards the end of the Klingon Cival War, you take command of Gowrons forces, your
mission, to wipe out the Duras Sisters forces and there Romulan allies "Qua,pla"
##NB - See TNG episodes 100 and 101##

- 5
Chain of Command -Onslaught (a2_fed05.bzn)
This Mission is set after the Episode Chain of Command part 2, and puts you in charge of the
Cardasian Union, The Central Command has decided to take all the systems under dispute and
expand the union into Federation space, it is your job to make sure this happens.
##NB - See TNG episodes 103, 136 and 137##

NB - This changes the federation campaigns into new missions........
NB - SEE "Objectives.txt"



***You need the 1.1 patch for this to work***


Please remember the term "creative licence", I know some of the ships in use in this pack were
not around in the time frame I set this MOD in, I just used what I had (thats why its a v1.0), I
hope to make it more "accurate" in V1.1 release. When it all comes down to it, it has jusr been
a bit fun on my part, so please dont over analyse it !!!!!!!

Version  v1.0  Author  paulhanselluk  Website   
Downloads  3,347  Size  1.48 MB  Created  2005-08-23 



#1 Transmission 2005-08-23 10:14
Neat little MOD...
#2 Joelteon7 2005-08-23 12:06
Yeah, nicely done.
#3 paulhanselluk 2005-08-24 06:00
Thankyou, Iam working a full 10 mission campaign set during the Dominion War at the moment, the way the MOD is shaping up will look something like this :-

# Call to Arms

# Sacrifice of Angles (pt 1)

# Sacrifice of Angles (pt 2)

# New Enimies

# Once More Unto the Breach

# Engage, Retreat

# The Siege of AR-558

# Til Death Do Us Part

# What you leave behind (pt 1)

# What you leave behind (pt 2)

As you can probably work 8 out of the 10 are based on actual DS9 episodes, I hope to have the beta out by early september (maybe sooner)
#4 Andrew_Of_Borg 2005-09-02 02:30
A Dominion War campaign? In that case you might need my Dominion mod, this could be pretty handy. Just put me in the credits.
#5 paulhanselluk 2005-09-02 09:48
Dont need to, but thankyou, all the cardasians are stock and ive aquired a dominion attack ship and destroyer model from someone, iam keeping it as close to the actual tv program as I can, so that means no made up ships.
#6 csi_denver 2005-09-11 07:39
Well all i can say about that is Victory is life!... Maybe Gul Dukat has a lil more luck this time and the shape shifter masked as bashir acualy is abel to get the runabout to the Bajoren sun before dax stops him with the Defiant lol... or is that another episode ?? lol anyways like the idea keep up the good work

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