Delphic Expanse Map Delphic Expanse Map

(2 votes)
Luke20, 2004-03-15

New delphic expanse mod, however this needs other mods in order for it to work

Star Trek Enterprise Season 3 Missions

Simply put the bzn & the txt file into the bzn folder in Armada 2!
Set up a icon with the properties target line:

"C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Armada2.exe" / expanse2.bzn

You can now play this level by double clicking on the icon.

Thanz to Deemon for the Enterprise model. You can visit him at: . As a reminder, YOU MUST HAVE THE NX - 01 model installed on Armada II!
You can get it at :
His NX - 01 readme is also here.
Thanks also to Twitch for creating the 12 Wild Planets. One of Which was used here.
This level is an Armada II files exclusive!


This is the second map of the Adventures of Enterprise NX - 01 in the Delphic Expanse.
You can play this in Single player mode only. You use the Enterprise NX - 01 as your only vessel
in the game.
You will play through the episodes of Enterprise: "Extinction"
It is recomended that you play the episode out in order.
First, have a go at the two ships to the north of the first planet. I can't destroy them,
but you could! Anyway, try & get away while you still alive & go North East of the first planet
to the Trading Planet.
Next, go South to the astroids & see the wrekage of the Seleya.
Finally, go to the mining station & get some dillitium before you leave.

I'll take no responsibility for any damage that may result to your PC from the use of this map.
No part of this map may be used for any other map without permission from the author(s).


README or THIS will not work

YOU MUST HAVE THE NX - 01 vessel model from

If not, I have no idea what will happen......


CREDIT OF NX 01 - Deemon. (website on readme...)

YOU MUST HAVE THE 12 WILD PLANETS installed on Armada II.
If not, I have no idea what will happen.
You can get it off
As of 06/2/2004, it is in the most recent files section of the homepage.

Version  2.0  Author  Luke20  Website   
Downloads  1,801  Size  172.40 KB  Created  2004-03-15 



#1 Luke20 2004-03-15 19:57
This was not created by "Luke".

It was created by me, Luke20.

#2 Deathbyteacup 2004-03-15 20:04
Fixed that for you. :-)
#3 Luke20 2004-03-15 22:43

Yes, thank you. But my other file:

Federation Base Upgrade is also wrong.

Can you please change it?

#4 Deathbyteacup 2004-03-15 23:46
Fixing that too.
#5 Luke20 2004-03-16 22:58
Thanks again.
#6 MrTurtle_91 2004-10-19 22:05
I think you should come out with a new version that only uses the original planets in the game. The 12 wild planets mod is a wopping 3.22MB. I only have one computer with internet and I have another with Armada2. The one with A2 doesn't have internet so I have to use disks. Plus I don't have high speed so it would take forever to download. Great pics though. :mad:

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