Terradyhne Map Background Terradyhne Map Background

(3 votes)
Terradyhne, 2007-02-18

A Map Background made (via Photoshop) made by Terradyhne. Being the colour that it is, I'd imagine good for girls, and others that like Pink Wink

- Ash

New Map Background for A2 by Terradyhne

the Mbgrp0-Mbgrp5 tga-files go into the textures/RGB folder

add it via the map editor

Tools used:
Photoshop CS2 for main nebula graphics
Paintshop Pro 6.2 for aranging the A2 texture parts

Copyright thing:
All used tools and releated are Copyright by there respective owners.
StarTrek-Armada is Copyright of Activision
StarTrek is TM,R and Copyright of Paramount Pictures

This is non official addon so there is no responcibility by Activision for
every bug or system-destruction on your computer.
When this is released there is no known bug or danger for your system it´s
100% virus-free so iam not responcible for any kind of software or hardware
destruction on your computer.


If you want to use this in an mod you´ve to ask me for permission

Version    Author  Terradyhne  Website   
Downloads  748  Size  2.61 MB  Created  2007-02-18 



#1 FekleyrTarg 2007-02-18 11:39
Gute Arbeit, Kumpel.
#2 AdmarilRyan 2007-02-18 11:43
It has...character
#3 Chiletrek 2007-02-18 16:07

This is very needed, more backgrounds for the game, maybe there are new cool backgrounds awaiting to be released :P

And I must say, I want to about that Klingon ship and that Fed-like Klingon shipyard, they look great :-)
#4 ameba 2007-02-19 07:40
didnt know terradyhne was

-either a girl

-or doin special stuff for girls.

it is a bit on the "too pinkish" site for me but whatever: every new background is a good one. mehr davon.
#5 Doom369 2007-02-20 02:02
this is a nice background, hella clean(smooth). I also want that ship.
#6 scimifan 2007-02-20 08:40
Hey klasse!

ein bisschen zu pink für meinen Geschmack aber darüber lässt sich bekanntlich streiten. Aber dieses Schiff ... Rock wo jit et dat?
#7 Seppi2621989 2007-02-20 09:26
:-) ich finds auch ein bisschen zu pink, aber es ist guuuuuuuuuut :thumbsup:
#8 Gavin1701 2007-02-20 10:04
Well, it's certainly....different. It's a bit too over crowded for my liking.
#9 ameba 2007-02-21 05:10
i bet you wanted to say "too overclouded" :-D
#10 Lord_Kimo 2007-04-16 13:55
This is certainly unusual and I don't like unusual things but this I think my six year old sister would like.But yes this is different..................

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