Borg Base Borg Base

(6 votes)
Jeri Hansen, 2002-09-13

The main changes between the 2 is a expanded asteroid field in the middle:



Version  2.1, 2.2  Author  Jeri Hansen  Website   
Downloads  1,140  Size  100.89 KB  Created  2002-09-13 



#1 JeriHansen 2002-09-14 12:43
this seen to be the best one for now
#2 JeriHansen 2002-09-27 10:04
there is now a 3rd Borg Base if you want it email well that untell someputs put it on but i send it yesterday so it shound be here but it not so that why i doing this
#3 Guest 2002-10-01 09:34
Someone copied your map and called it theirs...they called it "Borg Hell By Cirus"

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