A Bridge Over Troubled Water A Bridge Over Troubled Water

(10 votes)
Derek Tanner, 2002-10-13

Well this looks like a good 5 person map hes got here.......
off-topic: this is the first file ive posted here......... now download!!!

/////////// A Bridge Over Troubled Water \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Another map by Derek Tanner

Copyright: No one shall in any way, shape or fashion. Alter, reprodcue, or this map
without express permission from me. You download this map at your own risk I take no
responsiblity for anything that happens.

Once you have my permission you can include this in a mod as long as you include
me in the credits.

Okay now that all the legal stuff is over with, I would like to say that if you do
ask for my permission to use this map there is a good chance I will let you.

This is my third map and I would like to say I have put all that I have learned into making this
map. This map is litteraly a bridge over troubled water. The only way across
is by going through the transwarp conduits at each end. DON'T destroy them, I can assure you
that you will regret it. The only ship that can cross the map without being destroyed is
the Sovereign Class, and even then it is so heavily damage when it crosses a scout
ship could destroy it. Also included in this map is a secret area in which I was going to put
a new type planet but I couldn't contact the creator in time to get his permission. The
secret area is not that secret, a scout can pick up the wormhole that gets you in. The
wormholes are unstable so after they open they will colapse making it impossibe to send any
ship in, or to retrieve the ship you sent in. If I were you I would send in a costruction ship.
Other than that, this map is rather normal.

Map made by Derek Tanner

The title of this map comes from the title of a book or movie "A Bridge Over Troubled Water"
I am not sure which.

Idea for secret area comes from Legs Wide Open and Wadda, who gave it to me indirectly
from their map "CTF_Bajor."(Copyright Legs Wide Open)

Lastly, just as a final note I hope you enjoy this map I have tested it many times and
I can assure yout that combat in this map will be nowhere near as prolonged in this map as my
first two.

God speed, and happy gaming

Derek Tanner

Version  1.0  Author  Derek Tanner  Website   
Downloads  1,049  Size  433.59 KB  Created  2002-10-13 



#1 voyager009 2002-10-13 14:11
thhis is a 4 player map, sorry for the mistake
#2 Tanner_6984 2002-10-13 14:13
Thats okay I don't care it is my first map to be posted and so far everyone like it.
#3 Guest 2003-01-21 08:46
What nebula is that in the center?
#4 book 2003-02-26 19:17
thats the nebula
#5 Kardon 2003-08-20 10:38
the nebula's in the center are most of the dangerous ones so its best not to go through there...
#6 Cmd_Chakotay 2004-07-28 09:47
what u mean most dangerous in mittle i dont see any metrion or are there hidden Ai's?
#7 outofcontrolsjs 2005-02-13 11:31
The nebula in the middle is a mixture of nebulas and VERY hazardous to go through. unless you have transwarp...
#8 captvk 2006-04-26 20:56
you have a broken link

786 239 2731 cell

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