Hidden Hidden

(4 votes)
Tim "The Geek" Underbakke, 2002-10-28

well, this looks like a pretty good map

just watch out for those 'suprises' Biggrin

o ya, almost forgot, DOWNLOAD :|

Armada 2 readme

Name of mod: "Hidden Treasures" mp map
Author: Tim "The Geek" Underbakke

Place all files in the bn folder of your Armada 2 dir. To uninstall, delete them.

This map has a couple hidden surprises in it, hence the name. It is for 4 players.


Legal Stuff
This mod isn't made or supported by Activision, but you knew that.

Version    Author  Tim "The Geek" Underbakke  Website   
Downloads  743  Size  33.10 KB  Created  2002-10-28 



#1 The_Geek 2002-10-29 19:14
The surprises are sometimes good, derelict vessels and the like.

Some surprises are bad, so watch it.


Beware of the :borg: ship!
#2 The_Geek 2002-10-29 19:15
Sorry about the crummy readme. Here's what it should say:

"To install, place all files in the bzn folder of the Armada 2 dir."

P.S.- Beware of the :borg: ship

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