Four Quadrants Four Quadrants

(4 votes)
Admiral Crandall, 2002-11-06

I hope you enjoy
this map as much as I did making it. The map is set up to be a four player map, even though
the map selection may say '8 players'. This is a builder bug and I continue to search for a fix.
Another bug from the builder is there are 5 spots to use for a starting point. DO NOT USE THE
MIDDLE START POINT! In order to prevent this, use the 'fixed placement' option and everyone must
pick a point to start on. I am working to try and correct this. These are the only known bugs
in the map. E-mail me at to tell me about the map, and if there are any
other bugs. I appreciate your download and enjoy your fight!

Version    Author  Admiral Crandall  Website   
Downloads  693  Size  43.05 KB  Created  2002-11-06 



#1 Admiral_Crandall 2002-11-06 14:41
This is Admiral Crandall. Thank you all for downloading my map '4 Quadrants'. I appreciate any and all support given. Please e-mail me and tell me what you think of it. This is my first map made, and I did it just to see what could be done. If I find that people enjoy my map, I will make another. I apologize for the bugs with the 5 players and the '8 player'*****le the game gives it, but if anyone can give me insight into how to fix the problem, e-mail me and I'll get right on it. Thaks for time and enjoy the map! Also thanks to DS Apoc for putting my file up.
#2 CommanderClarke 2002-11-08 11:32
Drop me a line at I'm just working those bugs out for you...

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