Borg Space Borg Space

(2 votes)
seanabooth, 2003-10-18

Another good map from seanabooth. this one is a large 2 player map filled with planets, resources and several non-player teams.

Readme File:

Installation Instructions:
Extract "Borg Space.bzn"
"Borg Space.bmp"
"Borg Space.txt" into your Armada2\bzn directory.

Info on it:
A large 2 player map filled with planets, resources and several non-player teams. this map
is set after stardate 54014.4 which saw the distruction of unimatrix zero. Because of the
interference of katheryn janeway borg dones were sevred from the collective, in essence
this created a borg civil war. there are many vessels in the map which will attack either
borg ships or any other vessel. there are also renegade borg stations throughout the area
as well as resources which can be found throughout the map.

Type of Mod: Large 2 player map

Bugs: None so far.

Author: seanabooth


Hope you all enjoy it!

Version    Author  seanabooth  Website   
Downloads  987  Size  41.30 KB  Created  2003-10-18 


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