AOS Hide and Seek AOS Hide and Seek

(5 votes)
[AOS]Fl.Adm. Adam, 2002-08-05

This is a MUST download! Its a 2vs2 map with only a wormhole access to your base. Between the two wormholes in the middle there are a lot of cerulean nebuals to hide your ships in until you are ready to send them at your enemy. If you put lots of turrets around your wormhole it will make your base invincible. If you really want to be mean, put a lot of turrets around the enemies wormhole to trap them in! >Biggrin
Version    Author  [AOS]Fl.Adm. Adam  Website   
Downloads  882  Size  30.79 KB  Created  2002-08-05 



#1 Guest 2002-09-07 15:53
Where do I put the text file at that came with the map?
#2 Blade_8472 2003-01-21 19:24
in the bzn file

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