TNG wreckage TNG wreckage

(9 votes)
Transmission, 2005-03-21

This is a nice mod that gives you 3 more damaged ships, TNG-era, with nice textures.


Three More Ships: (TNG-era Ships):-

Galaxy Exploration Class Vessel
Klingon Vor'cha Class Attack Cruiser
Romulan D'deridex Class Warbird


Simple to install, just unzip into your 'Star Trek Armada II' Directory.


Original credit goes to original moddelers & Activision.

* All i did was add the damage areas and edited the textures.


A2files Nickname: SupaStarAsh

Armada II Apocalypse

*Note: This is Version 2.0 (its doubtfull there will be a third, but who knows)!


Version  2.0  Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  1,357  Size  1.46 MB  Created  2005-03-21 



#1 ZeroSystem 2005-03-23 19:29
when it says to unzip the files in the armada II folder, do you do that literally or put every file in the right place?
#2 Lt_Commander 2005-03-23 20:04
Either way works, but to be on the safe side, I always manu-install and .odf edit for the best effect.
#3 ZeroSystem 2005-03-25 15:17
of course, I always manually install mods, because of certain files, like gui_global.spr, where line have to be added, but, it doesn't seem to work for me. Of course, there might be problems (I install mods on ST: A2 demo, yes it is possible) but it still, doesn't work, and how should the game be able to implement files that is in the root folder?
#4 Transmission 2005-03-26 14:41
This MOD doesn't work?

if so, do as follows:

all .odf files into:- 'odf' - 'others'

all .sod files into 'sod'

all .tga files into 'textures' - 'rgb'

You may have put the odf files on the station / ship folder or something (you must put them into the 'others' folder within the 'odf' directory for it to work!

let me know if you have any more trouble!
#5 ZeroSystem 2005-03-26 14:56
thks, ash, it probably does work (seeing as how some mods which are installed correctly crash the demo, as it did).
#6 789521 2005-04-03 13:30
ink splot attack!
#7 avatar260 2006-07-30 15:22
can you make a mod for the galaxy class that look like that with out the damage textures and the engines and deflector dish glow
#8 Oxygen_Thief 2009-05-22 20:19
Is it possible to transport aboard these damaged ships and repair them or to tractor beam them to a shipyard to repair them and use them? Specially when your playing as the Federation and want to have a Romulan or Klingon ship on your side. E-mail me at to let me know, thank you.
#9 Freyr 2009-05-23 14:11
Well, I haven't downloaded the file to look, but I don't think so. I think it's just a map object like an asteroid.
#10 sabbatdark 2009-10-22 08:20
Love it! I have often wondered "How can we make these war-torn maps look... well... war-torn.?" Thank you for thisRock

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