Class-Y/ Demon Planet
Class Y Planet - Demon Planet. On these planets atmospheric conditions are often turbulent and saturated with poisonous chemicals and thermionic radiation.
Title :Class-Y Planet for A2
Filename :CLSSYI
Date :29/06/2010
Author´ :Terradyhne
Homepages :
Credits :Design:Terradyhne
Concept: Terradyhne
Textures: texture by Terradyhne
Description of the Modification:
Class Y Planet - Demon Planet. On these planets atmospheric conditions are often turbulent and saturated with poisonous chemicals and thermionic radiation.
Installation and use:
extract the folders to your A2 install dir and overwright if asked.
than write this itemXX = "PB_CLSSE" (XX = number 1-12) into the ep_stand.odf which you find in odf/other folder.
email me at if you have any questions.
Copyright and Distribution Permissions:
Star Trek, Star Fleet Command,Star Trek:Armada 1/2, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
You may not sell user-created missions commercially.
You should respect the rights of the property owners.
You have to ask for permission if you want to use one of this in any mod.
you have to ask me for permission to convert my models to any other games.
Version | Author | Terradyhne | Website | ||
Downloads | 830 | Size | 1.04 MB | Created | 2010-06-29 |
I need to reupload it as a less compressed file, in the meantime you can take the files directly out of the zip file.
here is a working method: open the zip with winzip (don't extract) or other compression programm and take the files directly out and you will have them.
however this is for you guys that know where to take those files into A2.