Loadscreen Tutorial Loadscreen Tutorial

(1 vote)
frostmourn4, 2009-01-18

This is a detailed tutorial on how to change the loadscreen that apears when you start or load a mission in A1 and it is in PDF format.

This tutorail was made by Cabal (aka:frostmourn4) for use with Star Trek: Armada. If you have any questions, my e-mail address is frostmourne4@yahoo.com.

Version    Author  frostmourn4  Website   
Downloads  748  Size  414.62 KB  Created  2009-01-18 



#1 weyoun782 2009-01-18 09:01
I cannot find the STALogo.tga in textures/rbg file.
#2 FallenGraces 2009-01-18 11:09
weird.....it should be there as long as you havent edited or deleted any tga files.....if you still cant find it and nobody can help you id be happy to send you the file....just the file
#3 frostmourn4 2009-01-18 12:29
@weyoune782 - I am very sorry, the name of the texture should be STAbadge.tga. I didn't notice it until you mentioned that you couldn't find the texture.

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