Moving/Phaseing Moving/Phaseing

(42 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2003-08-11

this mod wasnt created, named, or described properly. and no readme.

i quote:
this mod is a moving fed starbase and a fire will phased warbird this is for
armada 1

and he/she didnt give their author name.

here are my reasons for such poor ratings:

Creativity: moving starbases has already bean done
Balance: He made the romulan flag ship have 9999999.999999 shields and special energy recharge rates. so thats just stupid.

Version    Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  1,756  Size  30.47 KB  Created  2003-08-11 



#1 ef2_gamer 2003-08-26 08:55
so whats it do anyway?
#2 WASAAP 2003-08-26 11:40
if i knew that it would be in the description
#3 nonillegalnick 2003-10-14 09:25
from the look of the filename they intended the romulan starbase to move and be phase cloaked.. i think...

#4 Guest 2003-12-31 21:34
A :thumbsdown: to the person who designed this and wrote the description for this!
#5 sloppy 2004-08-12 14:29
what happened to punchbut here my rating :roll: Yucky :thumbsdown:
#6 CHX 2004-10-27 09:43
it just messes up my game

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