Rapid Fire pulse
This weapon is a special rapid fireing blue pulse weapon. It is fairly strong and shoots fairly quick. This weapon is special as you can press the button multiple times in a row to get it to fire rapidly one after another. This weapon can shoot at 2 targets at once!
Rapid Fire pulse
type: Special Weapon
Created by: Bolero
Email: Bolero_dan@hotmail.com
Information: This is my first weapon for Armada 1. I assume this could
also work for Armada 2 but I have not tested that. This weapon is a special
rapid fireing blue pulse weapon. It is fairly strong and shoots fairly quick.
This weapon is special as you can press the button multiple times in a row
to get it to fire rapidly one after another. This weapon can shoot at 2 targets at once!
1) Put All .TGA files Into your Textures/RGB Folder
2) Put All .ODF files into your addon Folder
3) open up weapons.spr (located in the spirtes folder)
and add the following line
# rapid fire Pulse phaser
rfpulse wbpulse 0 64 128 32
4) open up gui_global.spr (located in the sprites folder)
and add the following line under Special weapon buttons
b_grfpulse gbrfpulse00 0 0 64 64
5) open up your tech1.tt file located in the addon folder and
add the following line
grfpulse.odf 0
6) Add this weapon to any ship you want and replacing X with the correct
weapon number and ZZ with the correct hardpoint number
// Photon torpedos
weaponX = "grfpulse"
weaponHardpointsX = "hpZZ" "hpZZ" "hpZZ"
ANy problems please contact me!
Version | Author | Bolero | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,586 | Size | 112.89 KB | Created | 2005-09-08 |