Armada I Romulan Super Weapon Armada I Romulan Super Weapon

(7 votes)
Sherman2, 2005-01-11

This is a Romulan Super Weapon for Armada I By Sherman 2!

Armada I Romulan Super Weapon Mod By Sherman2.

Stick odfs in addon folder.


Version    Author  Sherman2  Website   
Downloads  1,448  Size  2.98 KB  Created  2005-01-11 



#1 Ultimate_Dragon 2005-01-11 06:05
no screeny! sherman if u submit your files to me first, i can get u a screeny!
#2 SHERMAN2 2005-01-12 00:52
there would be no need for a screeny it looks the same.

the tear just keeps expanding till the whole map is dead thats all.

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