Klingon Superweapon Mod Klingon Superweapon Mod

(5 votes)
Sherman2, 2004-12-03

A nice change to the super weapon, I like it Biggrin

Klingon Superweapon Mod by Sherman2

Armada 1 not armada2 Compatable.

Version: 0
Poly: 0
Balance: 0
Alpha Channels: 0

Summary: makes the klingon Superweapon SUPER!

Stick in Addon folder.

ME DUHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Version    Author  Sherman2  Website   
Downloads  1,754  Size  1.72 KB  Created  2004-12-03 



#1 Ultimate_Dragon 2004-12-03 07:44
wait, what does this mod exactly do? extend the range or area affected by the weapon?
#2 SHERMAN2 2004-12-03 08:07
it makes the Shockwave never stop!

check gaming forums please.
#3 MajorPayne 2004-12-03 15:58
This is actually pretty good as long as the balance for the ship is maintained. Its also more accurate to trek canon than the original as the shockwave for an explosion tends to go much further before dissapating. :thumbsup:
#4 Ultimate_Dragon 2004-12-14 09:14
go away payne.. :mad:
#5 MajorPayne 2004-12-14 14:57
Hmmmm, smilies now is it?? Perhaps if you had read the readme and applied what was written your precious mod wouldnt' have been removed so fast. Interesting that you still haven't appologise to Queball yet.

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