
(8 votes)
Trevor J Plikington, 2003-05-30

Here anther map I made a long time ago for armada 1. It anther one with thing in the maddle well neary in the maddle anyway.

Good By Trevor James Pilkington

Here anther map I made a long time ago for armada 1. It anther one with thing in the maddle well neary in the maddle anyway.
Sorry about the spelling.


Install in to your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada\bzn

Version    Author  Trevor J Plikington  Website   
Downloads  1,354  Size  34.61 KB  Created  2003-05-30 



#1 TL_Adml_Photon 2003-09-29 12:34
I swear somone sabotaged his keyboard. He does this complete letter mix-up for all of his discriptions, and he doesn't even seem to notice...

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