
(9 votes)
Trevor J Plikington, 2003-05-30

Here anther maps I made a long time ago for armada 1. It another one with tihing in the maddle because there are the ones I like the best.

God By Trevor James Pilkington

Here anther maps I made a long time ago for armada 1. It another one with tihing in the maddle because there are the ones I like the best.

Sorry about the spelling.


Install in to your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada\bzn

Version    Author  Trevor J Plikington  Website   
Downloads  1,443  Size  45.17 KB  Created  2003-05-30 



#1 captain_henk 2003-06-06 12:49
I dont doubt that this a great map, but not as good as God, so i(as a cristian) would apreciate it if you wouldn't name any other maps like God or the like. They dont compare to the real thing. :-)
#2 Captain_Reisen 2003-06-07 18:20
There seems to exist a large subgroup of modders out there who ascribe themselves as being Christians. To avoid offending them (and me as well), if you must say God, spell in in lower case so as not to confuse a lesser deity with the Almighty.
#3 Kilana 2003-06-23 20:05
Did you ever think that the person may have meant to put good instead? Obviously their english isnt very good. They even say themselfs that they apologize for the spelling. So you can calm down now.
#4 Aishaacara2 2003-07-14 13:37
This map IS God though :-) 10/10

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