This is a (long-over due ) re-work of the Atlantis station for all you budding Stargate Fans. It should be noted though, that a much improved V3 is on it's way, but for low poly people, you'll definitely want this.
As far as I can see, the textures have been improved, but I still think they could do with a little more work to cover a few more prominent spots. It also has extra towers or little features as well as the "spike" underneath the city, seen on the rise of the city. So in the canon sense, it's a little bit closer. Armed with deadly drones and the ability to launch Puddle Jumpers, this is a pretty neat station, similarly to the previous version.
To get the Puddle Jumper, you'll need this and this.
Atlantis (The lost City of the Ancients) v2.0
The lost City of the Ancients. It has been abandoned by the Ancients
but left in perfect conditions due to being submerged during the siege from
the Wraith, which forced the Ancients to leave their city. Atlantis is equipped
with a powerful energy shield and armed with Dones!
Install the puddle jumper first
- Atlantis lunches puddle jumpers and so needs the puddle jumper installed first
- Add the atlantis.odf to the /odf/ships folder
- Add the atlantis2.odf to the /odf/ship folder
- Add the satlantis.odf to the /odf/other folder
- Add the drone.odf, drone2.odf and drone3.odf to the odf/ weapons/Pulse folder
- Add the atlantis.sod to the /sod folder
- Add the atlantishull2.tga, 404.tga, atlantishull2.tga, building6.tga, building.tga, buildings4.tga, buildings9, towers.tga and gbatlantis.tga to the /textures/rgb folder
- Add the drone.wav to the sounds/ effects folder
- Add the atlantis.bmp to /bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder
- Add the following lines to sprites/gui_global.spr
b_atlantis gbatlantis 0 0 128 128 (if the buttons doesn't appear properly then change the last two numbers to 64)
(if you would like a white blob where the wireframe should be instead of nothing that add this line)
atlantisw1 gbatlantis 0 0 128 128
- Add the following line to techtree/ and fulltech
atlantis.odf 0
- Add the following line to the station that you wish your DC- 404 class to be build from odf/stations/(station of choice).odf
buildItemX = "atlantis"
remember to replace X with the next number in the sequence.
- Add the drone.odf to the /odf/weapons/Pulse folder
- Add the drone2.odf to the /odf/weapons/Pulse folder
- Add the drone3.odf to the /odf/weapons/Pulse folder
(There will be a V3)
Please check out The Stargate Project for A2 at
Mod Usage:
this moddle was Origanly created by 'Me, ColdDarkParanoia'
I have created a build button, odf, admirals log picture, and the weapon for it.
if you would like to uses this ship in your mod could you please contact me.
just remember to give me the credit where it is due :)
i can be reached at
activision can't be held resonsible for these files ect.. you know the rest.
Version | 2.0 | Author | ColdDarkParanoia | Website | |
Downloads | 4,059 | Size | 5.28 MB | Created | 2006-07-07 |
to add the recrew button to any normal ship just add the line
anywhere the ships odf file
will v3 have a cloak cause thats how its in the show as well as hyperspace capabilities (warp drive) also the zpm is a good idea there might be a way of combining the enhancing special weapons that the other races have. (example: agean's shield enhancer) overall a great job on it ColdDarkParanoia hope to see v3 soon
sooo add this to the atlantis.odf file where the weapons secton and replace with the next number inline.
// Cloaking Device
weaponx = "grcloak"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp06"
sooo add this to the atlantis.odf file where the weapons secton and replace the x with the next number inline.
// Cloaking Device
weaponx = "grcloak"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp06"
it took time and a lot of crashes but i like it i only need one ship now because i sort of went OTT on the drones