8472 Hero Ships 8472 Hero Ships

(8 votes)
8472pinkblobs, 2003-05-29

This Is My 8472 Hero Ship Mod. It Creates Several "Hero" or special ships for the Species 8472 Race. It Includes A Prototype Scout, A command Behemoth, and a heavy battleship.

8472 Hero Ships Mod



Hi Everyone.

This Is My 8472 Hero Ship Mod. It Creates Several "Hero" or special ships for the Species 8472 Race. It Includes A Prototype Scout, A command Behemoth, and a heavy battleship.

To Install Put
8472_ScoutHero,8472_BattleHero,8472_HeroBehemoth In The Star Trek Armada 2/ODF/ships
8472_HeroGate into Armada 2/odf/stations
All Sod Files Into Star Trek Armada 2/SOD

Tech1.TT and fulltech.TT into The Star Trek Armada 2/techtree
gui_global into Star Trek Armada 2/sprites

Add These lines To gui_Global

b_8472_herobehemoth gb8472_behemoth 0 0 64 64

b_8472_battlehero gb8472_battle 0 0 64 64

b_8472_scouthero gb8472_scout 0 0 64 64

b_8472_HeroGate gb8472_FluidicGate 0 0 64 64

Add These Lines To Tech1.TT

8472_herobehemoth.odf 2 8472_FluidicGate.odf 8472_ShipUpgradeResearch.odf // species 8472 hero bahemoth
8472_battleHero.odf 2 8472_FluidicGate.odf 8472_ShipUpgradeResearch.odf // species 8472 hero battleship
8472_scoutHero.odf 2 8472_FluidicGate.odf 8472_ShipUpgradeResearch.odf // species 8472 hero scout
8472_HeroGate 2 8472_ShipUpgradeResearch.odf 8472_FluidicGate.odf // species 8472 hero gate

And These Lines To fullTech.TT

8472_battlehero.odf 0
8472_herobehemoth.odf 0
8472_scoutHero 0
8472_HeroGate.odf 0


ODF - Yes
SOD - Yes
Texture - No (not needed)
TT - Yes
Global Files - Yes
Build Button - No (not needed)

If You Have Any Problems Email Me At Pinkblobs@yahoo.com

You May Use Any Part Of This Mod Aslong As You Give Me Credit And I would like it if you wouyld tell me by email thanks (:

Hero Ships For Federation,Klingon,Romulan,Borg,Cardassian, And Others If You Request

Version    Author  8472pinkblobs  Website   
Downloads  1,430  Size  67.67 KB  Created  2003-05-29 



#1 Guest 2003-06-01 20:40
plz make an Enterprise , Enterprise-A ,

Enterprise-B , Enterprise-C , AND Enterprise-D WITH ALL THE VOICES. MY DAD WOULD LIKE IT.
#2 8472pinkblobs 2003-06-01 21:10
I'll Try But i would need models for A through C.
#3 8472pinkblobs 2003-06-02 12:28
I could make the enterprise D For Now, And Try To Make the others later when i get milkshape.
#4 Guest 2003-08-05 21:59
Your DAD would like it? Lets rephrase: I would love to see THESE ships for ME!
#5 seanabooth 2003-10-17 08:09
the enterprise A was a constitution refit and the enterprise c was an amb*****idor class. if you can convert models from Bridge Commander they have them on BCFILES.com.

just thopugh id let ya no.. also for sounds for the enterprise c see TNG episode: yesterdays enterprise... just thought this might help pinkblobs
#6 Andrew_Of_Borg 2003-11-08 08:05
Or you might want to use Captin Finger's model, I am going to do a Constution Class myself with it.
#7 Squire_James 2003-11-08 20:35
NCC-1701 - Consitution Class/Constitution Class Refit A

NCC-1701A - Constitution Class Refit B

NCC-1701B - Excelsior Class- Lakota Refit

NCC-1701C - Ambassador Class Refit A

NCC-1701D - Galaxy Class

NCC-1701E - Sovereign Class/Soveregn Class Refit

NCC-1701F - Discovery Class
#8 Guest 2004-01-07 11:49
@ squire james

i'm new to star trek, where as the enterprise F been seen b4?
#9 Deathbyteacup 2004-01-08 10:54
:P on the shows/films it hasnt at all. there may be a made-up mod.
#10 CmdrFelix 2005-03-10 18:54
Your DAD would like it? Thats like that guy who sent his letter to Mail Call and said his WIFE wanted to know the army ranks.

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