Thunderbird 3
Thunderbirds are GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Thunderbird 3 rescue and repair ship was seen in the original Thunderbirds series, and is recreated here in a fairly well done first mod from mash1971. Note that there is a reference in the readme to sprite emitters, but no new input listed there. This may need to be looked into or addressed in the comments if it proves to be a problem for others on download. Your mileage may vary.
Worth a download if you're a fan of the original, or if you want the MS3D files to give this one a try for yourself.

repairs as a repair ship does
has federation repair team special weapon
can attack is equiped with phasers and photon torpedoes
odf in odf/ships
sod in sod
tga in textures/rgb
bmp in bitmaps/admirals log/ships
add thunderbird3.odf 0 to tech1 and fulltech files in techtree folder
put in as builditem** = "thunderbird3" where ever you want it to build from
add line b_thunderbird3 gbtb3 0 0 64 64
in gui global file located in sprites folder, in the federation build buttons section
theres no wireframe yet feel free to do with as you want with this ship
its my first attempt
so be kind
included is the milkshape masterfile tbs.ms3d
im crap with textures so maybe someone might add the details its lacking
the trick with getting more than one plasma emmitter to work on this
was to use one small, one med and one large emmiter node connected to the engine node
any probs or questions
Version | Author | mash1971 | Website | ||
Downloads | 564 | Size | 770.54 KB | Created | 2008-09-10 |
the real problem is rotating the joints in milkshape, having read here what to do and having tried it and failing perhaps it cannot be done but im not giving up perhaps saving the file as ms then reloading might help
im more cubase than milkshape but this modding lark is fun
you can get the files here and there are tutorials here as well
you could also use 3dsmax
to do tga files you need photo editing software like photoshop ,i used nero photo editor.
for build buttons
you have the make the pictures small ,uncompressed and in tga format then add the relevant info into the gui global file in the sprite folder eg
b_fgalaxy gbfgalaxy 0 0 64 64
to make the textures is tricky and needs patience
see the ms3dsod tutorial
All we need now is one, four and five!
Great mod. I've replaced the standard fed repair ships with this baby!
Thunderbirds are go!!
but nice model