Systems Commonwealth Pack 01 (Glorious Heritage class) Systems Commonwealth Pack 01 (Glorious Heritage class)

(4 votes)
Chiletrek, 2012-01-23

From Gene's Roddenberry's Andromeda serie, this is the first Systems Commonwealth pack I have made and more packs might come soon. This is the High Guard's Glorious Heritage class with all the three coloured versions seen in the series.

It also come with a completely new model of the Nova Bomb I made a long time ago and it is also included a model of the drone weapon seen every now and then.

This mod comes with the models, odfs, new sounds, new weapon sprites, build-buttons, wireframes, Admiral's Log Pics and special weapons. I hope you'll all enjoy it.

Systems Commonwealth Pack 01 (Glorious Heritage class pack):

I am Chiletrek and this mod contains my version of Glorious Heritage in the 3 versions shown during the serie "Andromeda": standard colors (like the Andromeda Ascendant), golden colors (like the Pax Magellanic) and red colors (like the Crimson Sunrise).

All Glorious Heritage models have an accurate scaling compared to the stock ships, but the Nova Bombs and Drones are bigger so they can be seen ingame with no problems.

Things I made:

1) Models of the 3 versions of the Glorious Heritage class, updated model and a new texture for the Nova Bomb and a model of Drones.

2) Buildbuttons, wireframes, Admiral's Log pics and ODFs.

3) New sound files for the ships' weapons. Sound files taken from videos of Andromeda episodes.

4) This Read me.

Installation Instructions:

Before anything, you should make a backup of your files since some will be edited and/or replaced. The file that will receive a big editing will be gui_global.spr, so try to have a backup of it before editing it, so it will be easier to revert to a previous state.

1) Unzip the contents of this file on a temporary folder.

2) Open your Star Trek Armada II folder.

3) Copy .sod files from this "SOD" folder and paste them in your SOD folder located in the main game directory.

4) Copy all .bmp files and paste them in your bitmapsAdmiralsLogShipImages folder.

5) Copy the content of the "ships" folder and paste them in your odfships folder. Replace if asked, these files are the ships' main odf files.

6) Copy the content of the "Pulse" folder and paste them in your odfPulse folder. These files are the ships' normal weapon files.

7) Copy the content of the "special_weapons" folder and paste them in your odfspecial_weapons folder. These files ar the slipstream, deploying/retracting of Battle Blades and drones special weapons.

8) Copy all .wav files of the "effects" folder and paste them in your soundseffects folder.

9) Copy all .tga files of the "RGB" folder and paste them in your TexturesRGB folder.

9a) The .tga files from the "RGB (hi-res)" folder are optional and they are the original texture files for the 3 Glorious Heritage ships, the Nova Bomb, the Drones and the Pulse Weapon sprites. Install this to get the best quality but it might cause lags ingame.

10) Open your Sprites folder and open gui_global.spr with Notepad.

11) Search for:

# Special weapon buttons


12) A bit above those lines, paste these lines:

# Andromeda build buttons
b_cw_nova cw_novabutton1 0 0 64 64

b_cw_xmcblades11 cw_xmcblades11 0 0 64 64
b_cw_xmcblades12 cw_xmcblades12 0 0 64 64
b_cw_xmcblades21 cw_xmcblades21 0 0 64 64
b_cw_xmcblades22 cw_xmcblades22 0 0 64 64
b_cw_xmcblades31 cw_xmcblades31 0 0 64 64
b_cw_xmcblades32 cw_xmcblades32 0 0 64 64
b_cw_swdrones1 cw_swdrones1 0 0 64 64


b_cw_xmc1 cw_xmcbutton1 0 0 64 64
b_cw_xmc2 cw_xmcbutton1 64 0 64 64
b_cw_xmc3 cw_xmcbutton1 0 64 64 64

b_cw_xmc1M cw_xmcbutton2 0 0 64 64
b_cw_xmc2M cw_xmcbutton2 64 0 64 64
b_cw_xmc3M cw_xmcbutton2 0 64 64 64

This will allow to use all buttons in this pack.

13) Now Search for:
8472_shipupgraderesearchw5 8472wireframe04 192 192 48 48

... well, basically, for the last stock wireframe. and below that paste these lines.

# Andromeda
cw_novaw1 cw_novawire 256 256 256 256

cw_xmc1w1 cw_xmcwire1a 40 0 40 40
cw_xmc1w2 cw_xmcwire1a 0 40 40 40
cw_xmc1w3 cw_xmcwire1a 40 40 40 40
cw_xmc1w4 cw_xmcwire1a 80 0 40 40
cw_xmc1w5 cw_xmcwire1a 0 0 40 40

cw_xmc2w1 cw_xmcwire2a 40 0 40 40
cw_xmc2w2 cw_xmcwire2a 0 40 40 40
cw_xmc2w3 cw_xmcwire2a 40 40 40 40
cw_xmc2w4 cw_xmcwire2a 80 0 40 40
cw_xmc2w5 cw_xmcwire2a 0 0 40 40

cw_xmc3w1 cw_xmcwire3a 40 0 40 40
cw_xmc3w2 cw_xmcwire3a 0 40 40 40
cw_xmc3w3 cw_xmcwire3a 40 40 40 40
cw_xmc3w4 cw_xmcwire3a 80 0 40 40
cw_xmc3w5 cw_xmcwire3a 0 0 40 40

cw_xmc1Mw1 cw_xmcwire1b 40 0 40 40
cw_xmc1Mw2 cw_xmcwire1b 0 40 40 40
cw_xmc1Mw3 cw_xmcwire1b 40 40 40 40
cw_xmc1Mw4 cw_xmcwire1b 80 0 40 40
cw_xmc1Mw5 cw_xmcwire1b 0 0 40 40

cw_xmc2Mw1 cw_xmcwire2b 40 0 40 40
cw_xmc2Mw2 cw_xmcwire2b 0 40 40 40
cw_xmc2Mw3 cw_xmcwire2b 40 40 40 40
cw_xmc2Mw4 cw_xmcwire2b 80 0 40 40
cw_xmc2Mw5 cw_xmcwire2b 0 0 40 40

cw_xmc3Mw1 cw_xmcwire3b 40 0 40 40
cw_xmc3Mw2 cw_xmcwire3b 0 40 40 40
cw_xmc3Mw3 cw_xmcwire3b 40 40 40 40
cw_xmc3Mw4 cw_xmcwire3b 80 0 40 40
cw_xmc3Mw5 cw_xmcwire3b 0 0 40 40

This will allow the use of the wireframes included in this pack.

14) Open your Sprites folder and open weapon.spr with Notepad.

15) Now Search for:
biopulsebm wbiopulse8 0 0 256 64 @anim=tex1x4

Below that line, paste this.

# Andromeda addons
# Commonwealth pulse yellow
cwyellow CW_Pulse 0 0 128 32

# Commonwealth pulse red
cwred CW_Pulse 0 32 128 32

# Commonwealth pulse blue
cwblue CW_Pulse 0 64 128 32

# Commonwealth pulse green
cwgreen CW_Pulse 0 100 128 32

And these lines will be seen above this:

# End new weapons

This will allow you to use the normal weapons included in this pack.

17) Open your "techtree" folder, and add these lines to your files called: "tech1" and "fulltech":

//*************** ANDROMEDA **************************
cw_xmc1.odf 0
cw_xmc1M.odf 0
cw_xmc2.odf 0
cw_xmc2M.odf 0
cw_xmc3.odf 0
cw_xmc3M.odf 0
cw_nova.odf 0

cw_xmcblades11.odf 0
cw_xmcblades12.odf 0
cw_xmcblades21.odf 0
cw_xmcblades22.odf 0
cw_xmcblades31.odf 0
cw_xmcblades32.odf 0

cw_swdrones1.odf 0 // drones (Rommie)
gslipstream.odf 0 // slipstream (Rommie)
gpdl.odf 0 // point defence laser (Rommie)

This will allow you to build any of these ships and to use the special weapons ingame.

18) Add "cw_xmc1" "cw_xmc2" and "cw_xmc3", to any shipyard you'd like and you are now truly ready to go.

18) MS3d files are present in this SOD folder, if someone wants to take a look at them ;) .

19) Pheewwww, Finally, you are ready to enjoy this mod, I'm sorry to make such long read me but it was neccesary to try to avoid problems.


1) Gene Roddenberry: For creating the Star Trek and Andromeda sagas. Thank you very much!

2) Activision and Mad-Doc Software: For making the game.

3) My friends, who have been quite insistent with me so I can begin releasing new modding materials XD .

4) Apoclaydon/Blade: For his help and his permission for me to release the PDL and Slipstream special weapons he made long ago.

5) Chiletrek (me!): Made the new models and textures.

6) You: For taking your time to take a look at my mod :)


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail me at: astro_nejiro at

I am not responsible for any type of damage, either for virus or for the use of this MOD.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version    Author  Chiletrek  Website   
Downloads  1,099  Size  18.86 MB  Created  2012-01-23 



#1 pacsouljah 2012-01-24 07:29
Holy mother of god!!! It's finally out! I never thought this would be made available for A2, but here it is!! :D I always wanted to have the BC model of the Glorious heritage for A2, and now I finally can! And believe me folks, this is a thing of beauty, and by far the best model you'll ever get with A2(the only model that can compare is probably the BC one). It even comes with battle blades! Pimp If you're a fan of Andromeda, GET THIS, NOW.
#2 Chiletrek 2012-01-24 16:58

And thank you very much for your kind comment :-) .
#3 pacsouljah 2012-01-24 18:19
so Chile you got a Magog worldship comin' sooon? 'cause that would Rock
#4 Chiletrek 2012-01-24 19:23

Well, honestly I was thinking in only doing a basic Commonwealth Fleet. But we'll see as I might attempt that, but no guarantees. I hope that is still ok :sad: .
#5 pacsouljah 2012-01-25 09:06
Any new materials for commonwealth get two thumbs up from me Chile. Just out of curiosity, how many type of ships do you plan on doing? I ask that because I'm not sure there are that many variety of ships in the show. There is the siege-perilous class that I can remember, but I think there are no more than four or five types of different ship classes in the show, well that are shown anyways. But if it's your own concept ships, that would be Pimp
#6 Chiletrek 2012-01-25 10:36

Well, I have a model of the Siege Perilous in the making, the other canon ones are the Righteous Fist oif Heaven (a favourite of mine) a cruiser and the Eternal Vigilance (not sure if the Renewed Valor was of this class). There is also the shipyard design and maybe a station or two so we can actually build Commonwealth Ships :-) .

There are a couple of fan-designs I might attempt, but first I need to get some vacations as I am in the weeks of final exams so no new releases any time soon. Sorry.

But ideas are present that can be made.
#7 Starblade. 2012-01-28 12:49
It's been a long, long while since I looked at this but I seem to recall the Eternal Vigilance being a distinct class from the Renewed Valour. I can look it up, though, if I still have those files....
#8 Chiletrek 2012-01-28 23:16

And thanks, as that can be of great help :-) .

And I hope you'll enjoy this mod.

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