Project Starbug mining freighter
Now this is clever. It's the class of mining freighter best known as the Red Dwarf. Operation parameters are listed as being "so easy even a descendant of the ship's cat can operate it". No weapons, intended as a replacement for your stock Fed freighter, but definitely worth a download for all your Red Dwarf fans.
J.M.C. PROJECT STARBUG...................
vessel type ......... mining freighter
special features .........none
assigned to...............j.m.c.mining vessel red dwarf
operation easy even a decendant of the ships cat can operate it
replacement for standard federation mining freighter
odf files go in odf/ships folder
sod file goes in sod folder
tga files go in the textures/rgb foder
bmp file goes in the bitmaps/admirals log/ships folder
in the techtree folder
open tech1 file ,under federation ships add
starbug.odf 0
save file
same folder
open fulltech file and add
starbug.odf 0
save file
in the sprites folder
open guiglobal file
under federation build buttons add
b_starbug gbstarbug 0 0 64 64
under federation wireframes
starbugw1 wfstarbug 0 0 512 512
save file
open fbase.odf file in odf/stations
add under construction parameters
builditem** = "starbug"
thats it
Version | Author | mash1971 | Website | ||
Downloads | 582 | Size | 1.60 MB | Created | 2008-09-26 |
But I don't know if thats possible...