Pirate Buccaneer
More "scum and villainy" from CanadianBorg, this time, a buccaneer ship. Looks to be about equivalent to a heavy cruiser, and ported straight from SFC2 with no texture upgrades.
Download this one if you've been following the continued developments in CanadianBorg's SFC2 porting so far.
Pirate Buccaneer by CanadianBorg
Any advice or pointers will be appreciated.
This ship is a kitbash of three ships converted from SFC2. It is equipped with four cruiser-level photon torpedo launchers, three cruiser-level phaser banks, and a Romulan cloaking device.
This ship is intended to go with my recently released Mercenary Pack mod, which I would recommend you download and install before going any further (you don't have to, but you really should. It would make the ship fit in much better.)
Open the archive file and extract the folder "Pirate Buccaneer" somewhere outside your A2 directory.
Copy all the folders inside to your root A2 directory.
Now, open gui_global.spr in the "sprites" folder in your A2 main directory with Notepad, and scroll down to the Federation build buttons. Now enter:
b_pirbuc gbpirbuc 0 0 64 64
below the last item.
NOw go down to special weapon buttons and enter the following:
b_gpoleron2 gbpolrntrp00 0 0 64 64
Now save and close gui_global.spr and go to the techtree folder within the A2 directory with Notepad. Now open tech1.tt. Scroll down to the Federation ships and add:
pirbuc.odf 0
Now save and close tech1.tt. Open fulltech.tt with Notepad and enter the following anywhere in the list:
pirbuc.odf 0
Now save and close the file.
Now you have two options:
Option 1. Go to the odf folder, and go to "stations". Open fyard.odf with Notepad, and enter the following:
buildItemxx = "pirbuc"
Where "xx" is the next number in the list (replace it with this number). Do the same with ryard.odf, kyard.odf, and cyard.odf.
Option 2. Go to the odf folder, and go to "stations". Open mercbase.odf with notepad (if you downloaded my Mercenary Pack, you'll have it, otherwise, take option 1),
and enter the following:
buildItemxx = "pirbuc"
Where "xx" is the next number in the list (replace it with this number).
That's it! You're ready to use the Pirate Buccaneer in your game! I might be coming out with more pirate and mercenary ships by the way, so stay tuned!
This mod is not made or supported by Activision or Paramount.
CanadianBorg Industries cannot be held responsible for any damage to your computer or your game by this mod.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at sebastian.renmar@rogers.com
If you wish to use this ship in any of your mods, please ask me first. Thank you.
Version | Author | CanadianBorg | Website | ||
Downloads | 786 | Size | 1.30 MB | Created | 2008-07-29 |
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
Why dont you open a thread on the forums?