NASA Space Shuttle NASA Space Shuttle

(18 votes)
PROGArrO, 2008-04-21

Well, we have the Enterprise on this site in many forms. The 1701, A, B, C, D, E and J. And the NX01 as well as fan designs for F & G. However, we had been missing one important iteration of the enterprise, that of the NASA space shuttle.

Not only is this a complete model it also uses the MVAM features of the unofficial 1.2 patch to jettison the boosters and tank. I think this is possibly one of the best uses of the unoffical 1.2 patch so far. The author does state in the readme he might do an ISS in the future, so keep your eyes peeled for it!

Complete with:

SpecialWeapon button
Strobe Lights
Exhaust fumes


Space Transportation System, aka SPACE SHUTTLE STS01


Ok, this is the only 'star'ship named Enterprise which have never travelled into space. Well, until now!
Here today the full package with Boosters, Tank and Orbiter. Plus a little surprise at the end of the liftoff procedure. Spoiler in ScreenShot05 provided only inside the file.
But you'll enjoy this one!

Being just a shuttle, it doesn't have almost any shield/armor and no weapons. If you want to make an a**kicker Space Shuttle, well, I suggest hardpoints 01 and 02. They are located on the lower hull right under the main cabin facing front.

Boosters can be decomissioned after being released to be reused in a later launch.
Only problem, the External Tank, supposed to face a horrible death, will not explode. I tried several tricks but doesn't work. well, some more trash outta there.

Oh, of course it doesn't re-assemble!


Installation :
you can copy directly all folders into the main root, none of them contains system files. All lines affecting stock files are listed below. As well, copy of those stock files are enclosed, making easier the cut&paste

- Add STS.odf to /odf/ships

- Add stage1-4.odf odf/ special_weapons

- Add sod files to the /sod folder

- Add all the textures to /textures/rgb

- Add STS01.bmp to /bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages

- Add the following lines to sprites/gui_global.spr


b_STS01 gbSTS 0 0 64 64
b_stage1 gbstage1 0 0 64 64
b_stage2 gbstage2 0 0 64 64
b_stage3 gbstage3 0 0 64 64
b_stage4 gbstage2 0 0 64 64
b_STSsat gbSTSsat 0 0 64 64


STS01w1 wSTS 160 0 80 80
STS01w2 wSTS 0 80 80 80
STS01w3 wSTS 80 80 80 80
STS01w4 wSTS 80 0 80 80
STS01w5 wSTS 0 0 80 80

STS02w1 wSTS 160 0 80 80
STS02w2 wSTS 0 80 80 80
STS02w3 wSTS 80 80 80 80
STS02w4 wSTS 80 0 80 80
STS02w5 wSTS 0 0 80 80

STS03w1 wSTS 160 0 80 80
STS03w2 wSTS 0 80 80 80
STS03w3 wSTS 80 80 80 80
STS03w4 wSTS 80 0 80 80
STS03w5 wSTS 0 0 80 80

STS04w1 wSTS 160 0 80 80
STS04w2 wSTS 0 80 80 80
STS04w3 wSTS 80 80 80 80
STS04w4 wSTS 80 0 80 80
STS04w5 wSTS 0 0 80 80

- Add the following lines to techtree/ and fulltech

STS01.odf 0
STS02.odf 0
STS03.odf 0
STS04.odf 0
STSsat.odf 0
STS05.odf 0
STS06.odf 0

stage1.odf 0
stage2.odf 0
stage3.odf 0
stage4.odf 0

- Add the following line to the station that you wish the Ragnarok to be build from

buildItemX = "STS01"

- Add the following lines to emitter.spr (for some reason, ms3d doesn't accept the _1 tag for e_ joints... I had to create an emitter per joint)


@sprite_node STS2 steam steamfade2 (3.5,3) (1,.5,.1) billboard
@sprite_node STS1 steam steamfade2 (1.5,1) (1,1,1) billboard

@emitter shuttlengine1a

@emitter shuttlengine1b

@emitter shuttlengine1c

@emitter shuttlengine2a

@emitter shuttlengine2b


Mod Usage:

Feel free to use this model as you want, as long as credits are given.

for any info:

In a future I may come out with the ISS...

This times credits owed to

FahreS - For his tutorial(s) on lightmaps and joint rotation (well, this works like a 'thanks'!)
Thune - For letting me use his MVAM special weapon and some hints.
And so, indirectly, to all people who made the MVAM mod real and stable.

Version    Author  PROGArrO  Website   
Downloads  977  Size  4.01 MB  Created  2008-04-21 



#11 ameba 2008-04-22 05:19
superb. now for the launchpad :-)
#12 Jetfreak 2008-04-22 22:13
Wow! You should make the Buran too! hehehe :D
#13 Limon36 2008-04-22 22:21
NASA didn't put that shuttle in space yet and they never will because of Star Trek!!
#14 Warborg 2008-04-23 07:47
I have a question, Does this ship mod need the fleet ops mod to work? I loaded it by itself but the game crashes just as it is being released from the shipyard.
#15 PROGArrO 2008-04-23 11:35
strange.. shouldn't. sometimes happened to me when the game finds a corrupted texture.. or if there are problems with odf files, like a missing weapon. have you installed everything properly? (sure you did...). Try to substitute the odf with a copied odf, such as a renamed fconst. If it builds the ship, then there is some kind of problem odf-related. Let me know, even by email.
#16 Warborg 2008-04-25 06:23
Ok, here's the update: I installed it on another computer and the same thing happened(crashed). I went into the sts01 file and by blocking the 'weapon' - stage 1 it doesn't crash... now the next problem is there is no texture(all white). I think ss_side.tga is the main one( is it assigned to sts01?).

I wonder also...I'm already using MVAM on another ship,could this be the problem?

I'm going to do some more fishing around
#17 PROGArrO 2008-04-25 08:28
ok. Have you instaled the _1.2.5_ patch? because the mvam uses command lines fixed by that patch. About the texture... yes, ss_side is the orbiter texture. And sounds really strange.. HAve you modified it? Well, as far as I know, when sod is blank and texture present in the folder, there should be some kind of problem with the sod itself. I'll send you my sod.. try that.
#18 DasRoth 2008-06-07 17:10
Don't know why but it doesn't work on my pc either

programm crashes the moment the ship is finished
#19 Warborg 2008-06-23 07:00
@DasRoth- after installing the 1.2.5 patch it ran better for me. So check that first

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