Medasher Class
From the Mail:
Quote:I'm not quite sure what this is as the developer decided not too include neither a ReadMe or any Screenshots. I know about as much as you, it doesn't even say what race this vessel is for.
Medasher Class by Meda
The screenshots are installed in the exe.
[ST]PAdm-Medafusion leader of the EXTINT [ST] Clan of A2
Medafusion or Starbase176 on other sites.
Games I play
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force 1 and 2
Star Trek Armada 2
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Star Trek Bridge Commander
I'm not too sure either what the relivence is of knowing other games this developer plays... but still...
Download if you want (someone let me know what it is).
No ReadMe Attached.
Version | Author | Medafusion | Website | ||
Downloads | 824 | Size | 1.64 MB | Created | 2006-05-21 |
As for future reference, I believe I will stick to the guidelines. If a file is sent without an Image & ReadMe file OUTSIDE of the actual file, it wont get uploaded.