Liberator Class
Well here she is, The Liberator from Blake's 7. An advanced battleship with superior 'Force Wall' defence sheilding, and powerful Nuetron Blasters. This file includes odf, sod, textures, sounds, a build button and basic wireframe. it included an hp_map so you can add your own special weapons(no advanced battleship should be without them). This is a lovely addition to anyones fleet.
Download Now.
Welcome. I have only built a few ships before for armada2, and this is my first release, so please be nice :)
Well here she is, The Liberator from Blake's 7.
An advanced battleship with superior 'Force Wall' defence sheilding, and powerful Nuetron Blasters.
This file includes odf, sod, textures, sounds, a build button and basic wireframe.
I have included a hp_map so you can add your own special weapons. (no advanced battleship should be without them)
Everything in this release was created by me (AVON) except the texture, which was a couple of modified stock textures that I slapped together.
Sorry, but I dont like auto-installers as most people run modded games like me, so you will have to manually install.
Anyone may use this ship if they wish, just give me credit. Hope you enjoy it,
To install: Firstly add the sod, odf, textures, and sounds to their relevant folders.
Next open your techtree folder and select fulltech. Add the line: liberator.odf 0
Next go to your odf/stations folder and open your shipyard you want to build it from. Add liberator as the next item to be built in your construction parameters.
Next open your sprite folder and open your gui_global. Scroll down till you find the federation build buttons and find where it says @reference 64
Add the line: b_liberator gblib 0 0 64 64
Then scroll down till you find federation wireframes and find where it says @reference=256
Add the line: liberatorw1 libw1 0 0 128 128
Finally open your events.dat file in your main armada2 folder. Scroll down till you find Picard sounds. At the bottom of the picard sounds add all of the following:
Sound <borg> "zen3.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen3.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen3.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen3.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen1.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen2.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen1.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen1.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen1.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen1.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen2.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen1.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen1.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen2.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen2.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen1.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen3.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen7.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen2.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen2.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen1.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen1.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen2.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen1.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen1.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen2.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen1.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen1.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen4.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen4.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen4.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen4.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen3.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen2.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen1.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen3.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen3.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen2.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen3.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen2.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen3.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen3.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen2.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen1.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen5.wav"
Sound <borg> "zen5.wav"
Sound <klingon> "zen5.wav"
Sound <romulan> "zen5.wav"
SoundPriority 2
Sound <federation> "zen7.wav"
Sound <federation> "zen7.wav"
SoundPriority 2
This model is in no way supported by activision.
Version | Author | Avon | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,094 | Size | 1.07 MB | Created | 2005-06-30 |
I threw it together in a couple of hours, with about 40 mins of texturing. Just a bit of fun really one night after the pub
I've only made around 8 or 9 ships before and I was assuming people would tell me what, if anything, needs more work. I'm still getting the hang of emitters, and I've not attempted running lights as such yet. I also haven't bothered to figure out borg textures yet either, although I suspect its pretty simple.
Anyway, feel free to make suggestions. I was considering doing some better textures, and maybe some special weapons, but it would depend on if anyone would be interested.
Storm Viewer crashing on the SOD
Replaced SOD with a quick substitution; A2 launches, build button shows up, crashes when attempting to build.
Possable corruption in the archived fiel ?
end result; commented it all out for later troubleshooting .
is Avon still outt here ? or is there someone who has a working copy willing to share their copy ?