Kazon Ship Pack
This MOD adds the Kazon Fighter and Ogla to A2. The Fighter is small and monuvable, while the Ogla is large, powerful and can build fighters, but is very slow and cannot go to warp. The Kazon Ogla is built at the advanced Klingon construction yard and the Fighter is built by the Ogla.
_______________________________________ _____________________________________________
(_______________________________________)Kazon Ship Pack(_____________________________________________)
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| |Author: Omega1989
| |
| |E-mail Address:matthew.chartham@virgin.net
| |
| |Added: Kazon Fighter and Kazon Ogla.
| |
| |Version: V 1.0
| |
| |Installation: Just unzip Kazonfandog.zip into your Armada II directory.
| |
| |Description: This MOD adds the Kazon Fighter and Ogla to A2. The Fighter is small and
| | monuvable, while the Ogla is large, powerful and can build fighters, but
| | is very slow and cannot go to warp. The Kazon Ogla is built at the advanced
| | Klingon construction yard and the Fighter is built by the Ogla.
| |
| |Credit: Captian Picard, for the the SOD and textures.
| |
| |Legal Stuff: You may not any part of this MOD without my permision, which can be obtained
| | through e-mail. You may post this MOD on your website as long as this readme
| | is included, though it would be nice if you sent me an e-mail to tell me. I
| | not responsable for any damages this MOD may cause and it is not supported by
| | Activision.
| |
| | Enjoy!
Version | Author | Omega1989 | Website | ||
Downloads | 2,580 | Size | 385.48 KB | Created | 2002-11-24 |