Heart of Gold (New)
I bet the probability drive didn't expect this any time soon!
The new version of the "Heart of Gold" from the sci-fi comedy, "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy", is remarkably different from the version seen in the highly popular television series (the ship that I came to like the sight of), so for those who have seen the old and not the new, you're in for quite a surprise.
Having not seen the film then, I can't really compare it to anything, but it does look pretty fun and from Cylon's past work, I'm sure there are a few nice details added that people will recognise (the mural was a shock for me, but I'm sure fans of the film will appreciate it) which gives the ship a bit of personality to it. To be honest though, there isn't really anything else. A nice touch though was a personalised and detailed tooltip, describing the features of the ship and what happened to it when Zaphod got his hands on it.
All in all, she's a bit of fun and definitely a god addition for those who've been wanting this since the film came out.
The Heart of gold From the Hichhikers guide to the galaxy
S.S. Heart of Gold is the first prototype ship to successfully utilise the new revolutionary Infinite Improbability Drive. It is 150 metres long. It also features a mural around the hole which depicts the invention of the Drive. It was built as a secret government project on planet Damogran from where Zaphod Beeblebrox, the then-President of the Imperial Galactic Government, stole it at the launching ceremony. The ship's cybernetics consist of a new generation of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation robots and computers (including Eddie the shipboard computer), some with the new Genuine People Personalities (GPP) feature.
poliecount 612
install instructions
1. hog.sod in the sod directory
2. hog.odf in the odf/ships folder and the other .odfs in odf/weapon/ships
3. add
hog.odf 0
anyware in the techtree files; tech1 and fulltech which are located in the tectree folder and can be opened with notepad
4. add
tga to the Textures/RGB folder
5. add
buildItemXX = "hog"
(where XX is the next number in line from the previous one e.g/ buildItem1, buildItem2
to the shipyard odf you want to build it from e.g. Fyard which can be found in the odf/stations folder and opened with notepad
Go to http://www.majesticscificentral.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=27 and chechout the Parallels mod
activision, it's affiliates, sub-divisions or any other part of the company did not make this mod.
all startrek related items are copyrighted paramount
anyone can use this but please give me credit
If somthing bad happens to your computer its not my fault
If you have any problems or suggestions email me at cylon54@ntlworld.com
Version | Author | Cylon54 | Website | ||
Downloads | 727 | Size | 478.66 KB | Created | 2006-08-24 |