Enterprise Xindi Reptillian Cruiser
Well, this is exactly as the title says, the Xindi Reptillian ship of which was seen throughout season 3 of Enterrpise. To my knowlege this is the first time this ship has been created - For any game, so we find ourselves privilidged to be the first site to host it
Along with the Reptillian Cruiser, there is the Aquatic Battleship & Insectiod Destroyer that are both avaliable. The Insectiod vessel only for SFC3 (and possably Bridge Commander). The Aquatic ship can be found upon A2Files however though at a ridiculiously high set polly count - Something that could have got more attention upon conversion, but still. - An additional note however, going by the screenshots, I do think the scale is a little off, but that is easily corrected
Nevertheless, this is a must download for any Enterprise or Xindi fans out there
Hello A2files.com file Poster
the name where it says "# other files made by (name)" is mEda
Model Creator: Medafusion
Texture Creator: DinosaurJR (also editited the ship a tad to make it more xindi reptillain cruiser looking) as I am not a perfect modeler.
BuilButton Creator: willsk8forfood15
sorry no wireframe
Build Time: 1 and a half hours.
This ship is built via the Cardassian Starbase.
You may use this in your mod w/out emailing me. If you wish to edit the texture however you must contact DinosaurJR as i did not create the texture. Also look forward this ship in my upcoming mod Star Trek Armada 2 Peacful Generations.
Brand new animated intro.
Brand new main menu.
Brand new mission main menu.
and brane new mission camppaign feating ent-tmp ships only in the ent-tmkp campaign and tng ships and some tmp ships in the tng campain.
Just click the exe and choose the A2 directory.
Version | Author | Medafusion | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,661 | Size | 1.22 MB | Created | 2006-06-23 |