Ent-era Tholian Vessel
From the Mail:
Quote:And with that, going by the screenshots, this is a very neat addition to Armada II.
This is a ship I converted from sfc. The original authors, Ignis and Queball, gave me the go ahead to post it on here. But he said just to include their web site, not his e-mail. We spoke recently and their web site is included in the readme. If you want, you should be able to contact them no problem.
As with all "main" Tholian vessels, they share the same shape (I know two I am using for ZH use the same shape) though as you can see, the textures make all the difference. I am however curious as to the Tholians using Torpedoes? - Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the Ent-Mirror Universe

Nevertheless, a lovely ship here, and for any Enterprise or Tholian fan, this is (without question) a MUST!

Good going Slider

Tholian (ENT Era) mod for Star Trek Armada II:
Mesh by Queball
Texture by Ignis
Conversion by Slider17
This is the SFC model by Quebal and Ignis. First of all it is an excellent model and I appreciate them for the go ahead to convert it. It is around 2000 polys because I did not alter the mesh or texture at all.
NOTICE: This mod is EXEMPT from my normal free use without permission policy. If you wish to use this material as part of another public mod, ship pack, etc, you MUST contact Queball and/or Ignis. If you want their e-mail address, please feel free to visit the forums, or their web site:
Torpedo Launcher
This zip should include the following files:
(copy this to ..sod)
(copy this to ..odf/ships)
(copy this to ..Textures/RGB)
Thats it for the file list, now to install:
(Note: Make sure files are not marked Read Only)
1. Open tech1.tt with notepad and add the following:
tholent.odf 0
2. Now open the gui_global.spr file and copy these lines under the headings shown:
# General Buttons
b_tholent TE1bton 0 0 64 64
# Ship Wireframes
tholentw1 TE1wire 0 0 128 128
3. Then you can add it as a starting unit, or put it in the map editor, ship yard, etc...
For example, open fed.odf in the .../odf/other folder and add:
standardUnits5 = "thol-ent.odf" // Tholian Scout
If you want to contact me:
Tholians and all related Star Trek material are a copyright/trademark of Paramount, and/or parent corporations. This material was not made or supported by Activision. This material was not intended for profit nor was any infringement of intellectual property intended. The author assumes no responsibility for the possession of, use of, or effects from this material. Nor do I mind redistribution of this file in its original form.
Version | Author | Slider17 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,270 | Size | 372.62 KB | Created | 2006-05-28 |
Is this one for the DOW. mod?