Ent-era Insectiod Destroyer
This ladies and gents, is the Xindi Insectiod Destroyer seen much throughout season 3 of Enterprise. This gives us three, being as the Aquatic Ship & (thanks to some talented modellers) a Reptilian vessel also. What is also good about this one, is that it has been polly reduced, a great start
This is the Xindi Insectoid ship for Star Trek Armada 2. By Greathor
If you wish to use this ship in your mod, please contact me first.
There is no buildbutton, wireframe, or admiral's pic.
Place the textures into the textures/RGB
Place the odf in odf/ships
Place the SOD in SOD
Add the respectable line of code into fyard.odf
under buildItems
buildItemXX = "xindiinsectoid"
tech tree
xindiinsectoid.odf 0
New Model: Greathor (kazad_kirk@yahoo.com)
Origional high poly Model: MarianoDT (mariano_tomaz@yahoo.com)
Textures: MarianoDT
HardPoints: Greathor
ODF: Greathor
Version | Author | Greathor | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,139 | Size | 1.75 MB | Created | 2006-07-19 |