CPP Kickstart
You've all seen the Pirkening...right? Right? It's a parody, really, of sci-fi as a whole, but particularly of Star Trek and Babylon 5. In its creation though was born a ship, the flagship of Captain Pirk (I wish I was making this up), the CPP Kickstart. In short, it's a slightly upgraded Sovereign. Don't expect it to be running too many rings round the enemy ships, but do expect it to survive (it had a nacelle blown off, hull tears in numerous places and only was eliminated upon a devastating ram on an enemy capital) for quite a bit over the stock Sovereign.
What's it for, you ask? Well, honestly, it's just a lot of fun. The textures are decent, the model fine and the weapons taken from stock and it'll be a bit of fun in instant action...with Captain Pirk at command...shame it doesn't come with any sounds really, but hey, version 2, hmmm? Anyhow, it even comes with a build button and admiral's pic. So, set your twinkle beams to maximum (see: not making it up) and let loose the dogs of Pirk!
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Star Wreck's CPP Kickstart Mod////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
By: Jetfreak
How to install: (Don't worry It's easy)
1) put the Fkick ODF file in ODf/ships folder
put the Fkick SOD file in SOD folder
put all the TGA Files in the Textures/RGB folder
put the fkick BMP File in the Bitmaps/admirals log/shipimages folder
2) Open "tech1.tt" and insert the following line:
fkick.odf 0
3) Open "fulltech.tt" and insert the following line:
fkick.odf 0
4) Open "gui_global.spr" and insert the following:
b_fkick gbfkick 0 0 64 64
5) Open "fbase.odf" and insert the line
buildItem# = "fkick"
NOTE: (replace # with the next number down)
That's it you're done!!!
Concept: Star Wreck-"In the Pirkinning" (original version)
Original Model and Textures: Sherman2
P-Fleet Seal: Wikimedia Commons
I Hope you like it!
Jetfreak :)
Version | Author | Jetfreak | Website | ||
Downloads | 712 | Size | 464.39 KB | Created | 2007-04-30 |
Lol, 10/10