Apocalypse Son'a ships Apocalypse Son'a ships

(3 votes)
Transmission, 2005-05-16

Brilliant ships here. If you're a fan of the Son'a, these ships are for you! Wink


Son'a Battleship & Command (Scout) Vessel



Original Model Design: Dark Razer
Original Textures: Dark Razer
Original Mesh: Dark Razer

Edited Textures: Elrond
Lightmaps: Elrond
.ODF: SupaStarAsh (Me)


A2files Nickname: SupaStarAsh
E-mail: ashs87uk@yahoo.co.uk


Version    Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  2,064  Size  776.24 KB  Created  2005-05-16 



#1 Admiral_Xtal_Sparks 2005-05-17 15:40
This mod here is a must have for Star Trek fans. These Sona ships actually look like the ones from Insurrection unlike the ones that where orginally in Armada. Great work SSA-Apoc, I hope to see more mods from yall. ^_^

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