Multi-Race Construction Ship
This file is a modified Federation construction ship that builds Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian and Borg bases. It also builds a modified advanced shipyard that builds the Enterprise E, Martok’s Negh’Var, the Borg Queen’s diamond and the Incursion. You can use this with any race except 8472. Nice file, download
This is my first mod, hope you like it!
It contains an fed construction ship that builds fed, klingon, romulan,
cardassian and borg starbases and a hero yard. The yard is included and
builds the Enterprise,USS Incursion, Martok's Negh'Var and The Borg Queen`s Diamond.
To Install:
Put the odf files in the folders indicated: mconst.odf in ships, myard in
sods go in the sod file.
In the qui global in sprites put the following:
under # Federation build buttons @reference=64:
b_mconst gbfconst 0 0 64 64
b_myard gbfyard200 0 0 64 64
under # Federation wireframes @reference=256 in same file put:
mconstw1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
mconstw2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
mconstw3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
mconstw4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
mconstw5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48
myardw1 fedwireframe05 0 192 48 48
myardw2 fedwireframe05 48 192 48 48
myardw3 fedwireframe05 96 192 48 48
myardw4 fedwireframe05 144 192 48 48
myardw5 fedwireframe05 192 192 48 48
In the in techtree and under
// ***[ FEDERATION SHIPS ]************************
mconst.odf 1 fbase.odf // construction ship
fente.odf 0
fincursion.odf 0
under // ***[ FEDERATION STATIONS ]*********************
myard.odf 0 // multi-race shipyard
// ***[ KLINGON SHIPS ]***************************
kmartok.odf 0
// ***[ BORG SHIPS ]******************************
bqueen.odf 0
Go into fbase.odf and put mconstruct as next builditem
To add this to other races go to starbase odf and add mconstruct to build list
I cannot accept responsibilty for this recking your game.
Feel free to modify these at will but credit me RIS Romulan Glory if released.
Any problems contact me at
Have fun, jolan true.
Version | Author | RIS Romulan Glory | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,918 | Size | 128.56 KB | Created | 2004-12-16 |
Nothing against the modder, since this is his first mod.
I think my first effort was trying to add disruptors to the negh var in A1. screwed it though and a sprite error caused it to fire blank white squares at the enemy.....
jolan true
Anyhow, I was just adding a little humor on that first comment. Hmm... Seems like when I'm in a good mood, it makes some people unhappy. Which reminds me of a little family get together we had just the other day. Actually, in that case we all make jokes like that and no one gets too offended. Oh well, guess that's what I get for trying to lighten things up; though that may seem a bit odd at first.
jolan true