Typhoon Class
This is a Typhoon Class ship. It has 800 poly's so it looks good. It includes phasers and Topedoes as weapons.
Typo Class
Well this is a convert/kit file .
MOD Type - Kit
Class - Typo
Convert/Kit - VT1032
Texture Info
Federation - Yes
Borg - No
Alpha Channel - no
Weapon Info
Phaser - Yes
Toredos - yes
Pulse - No
Details / Install
-NOTE- This model has about 800 polygons, so slower machines might have trouble to play this mod.
Copy the - the (Typo X)odf file to the odf\ships folder.
- the sod file to the sod folder.
- the tga files to the Textures\RGB folder.
Then you just have to add it to a shipyard or the editor menu and you're done.
Add de Typo "ship" in a constrution Yard like fyard XX ... jusT copy this in fyard.odf
buildItem12 = "Typo"
Add in techtree ( fulltech and tech1)
// Ships
Typo.odf 0 // Typo Class
in Sprites
# Federation build buttons
b_Typo gbTypo 0 0 64 64
# Federation wireframes
Typow1 fedwf27 128 0 128 128
Original Art
This Model is a Kit from other ships
All credits go to the original creators of those ships.
Final Words
I hope you enjoy this mod. I do.
Any comments you have are welcome.
Version | Author | vt1032 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,660 | Size | 934.09 KB | Created | 2003-09-05 |
sweet model.
That is the Challenger of STNG but in the Shiporama were a see the Rewell Model was Typhoon